
Free The Nipple

Britney Spears birti tvær myndir af sér berri að ofan um helgina.

Britney frelsaði geirvörtuna

27 Jul 2021 Tónlistarkonan Britney Spears birti tvær myndir af sér um helgina þar sem hún er ber að ofan. Á fyrri myndinni heldur hún fyrir brjóst sín en á þeirri seinni heldur hún neðar um brjóstin og berar þannig geirvörtuna.

HIV infection case

Það ætti að vera nóg af smokkum í ólympíuþorpinu.

Gefa 150.000 smokka á Ólympíuleikunum

14 Jun 2021 Skipuleggjendur Ólympíuleikanna í Tókýó hyggjast gefa 150.000 smokka á leikunum í næsta mánuði. Þeir hvetja þó keppendur til að nota þá frekar heima en í ólympíuþorpinu, þar sem samkomutakmarkanir og sóttvarnaaðgerðir eru í hávegum hafðar.

Panama Papers

Panamaskjölunum var lekið frá lögfræðistofunni Mossack Fonseca.

Greiddu 5 milljónir evra fyrir Panamaskjölin

5 Jul 2017 Yfirvöld í Þýskalandi hafa greitt milljónir evra fyrir hin svonefndu Panamaskjöl. BBC hefur eftir talsmanni skrifstofu þýska ríkissaksóknarans að skjölunum verði komið yfir í rafrænt form svo hægt verði að gera ítarlega skoðun á þeim.

Young Woman Missing in Reykjavik

Thomas Møller Olsen at the Icelandic high court.

A 19 year prison sentence for murderer of Birna Brjánsdóttir

23 Nov 2018 Greenlander Thomas Møller Ol­sen has been sentenced to 19 years in prison for the murder of Birna Brjánsdóttir in January 2017 by the Icelandic high court. This verdict by the Icelandic court confirms the decision of the Reykjanes District Court made last year, a verdict which Møller Ol­sen appealed to the high court.

Iceland and the EU

Icelanders remain opposed to EU membership

9 Oct 2018 Most Icelanders remain firmly opposed to the idea of joining the European Union according to the results of a new opinion poll produced by Gallup for the organisation Já Ísland which campaigns for Icelandic membership of the bloc.

Skaftá glacier river flood

Benedikt Jóhannesson fjármálaráðherra afhendir Þorsteini Gunnarssyni, sveitarstjóra Skútustaðahrepps, bréfið.

Ekki starfstjórnar að ræða við hreppinn

19 Oct 2017 Benedikt Jóhannesson, fjármálaráðherra afhenti í dag sveitarstjórn Skútustaðahrepps bréf fjármála- og efnahagsráðherra og umhverfis- og auðlindaráðherra um umbætur í fráveitumálum sveitarfélagsins. Segir þar að starfsstjórn þyki ekki rétt að fara í viðræður við hreppinn fyrr en að loknum kosningum.

Iceland at Euro 2017

There are many fans of the Icelandic team gathered in Tilburg

The new Icelandic EURO football adventure starts now!

18 Jul 2017 The Icelandic people are on the edges of their seats as the Icelandic Women’s National Team’s first match in EURO 2017 starts. The first game is against France, a team many believe likely to win the tournament.

Refugee crisis

Þorsteinn Víglundsson with Filippo Grandi in Geneva.

Icelandic government to receive more refugees in coming years

13 Jun 2017 Minister for Social Affairs and Equality in Iceland, Þorsteinn Víglundsson reaffirmed the plans of the Icelandic government on the annual reception of quota refugees and the government's policy to receive a greater number of refugees in coming years.

PM blackmail case

Sisters in court

Sisters found guilty in PM blackmail case

7 Apr 2017 Sisters Hlín Einarsdóttir and Malín Brand were found guilty for attempting to blackmail Icelandic Prime Minister and were sentenced 12 months in prison. “Shockingly harsh,” says Brand’s attorney.

Iceland at Euro 2016

Iceland now ranks nr. 20 at FIFA's list.

Iceland never higher on FIFA’s list

9 Feb 2017 The Icelandic national men’s football team ranks number 20 in the new FIFA’s World Ranking List and has never been ranked so high before. This is without a doubt thanks to the team’s success in last summer’s EURO 2016.

View on Iceland

View on Iceland: John Grant, Equality and Elves

10 Dec 2016 Once you’ve finished browsing Iceland Monitor’s wide selection of news, events and features, you might like to have a look at some other Iceland-related material from around the world that we shall be collecting for you weekly.

Iceland Airwaves 2016

FM Belfast

Iceland Airwaves: Saturday night in photos

6 Nov 2016 Last night was another dazzling night of Iceland Airwaves in Reykjavik with highlights such as Digable Planets, Pertti Kurikan Nimipäivät and FM Belfast. Tonight the festival comes to a close with a variety of artists headlined by UK star PJ Harvey.

Elves and supernatural beings

The rock was unearthed from layers of mud after it disappeared from view one year ago.

Elf rock restored after its removal wreaks havoc on Icelandic town

30 Aug 2016 A rock in Siglufjörður, Iceland, reputed to be the home of elves, was covered in metres of soil last year by roadworkers. A series of mishaps later, allegedly caused by the elves, the rock has now been dug up and restored.

Presidential Elections 2016


Video: Interview with Iceland's new Canadian First Lady

2 Jul 2016 Canadian born Eliza Reid is to become Iceland's sixth First Lady in August when her husband Guðni Th. Jóhannesson is inaugurated as President of Iceland. Iceland Monitor met with Reid at their Reykjavik home to discuss the presidential race, her upbringing in Canada and bringing four young children to the presidential residence at Bessastaðir.

Film in Iceland

Deathtroopers on another planet - or is it Iceland?

Star Wars Deathtroopers in Iceland

24 Jun 2016 New images released exclusively by Entertainment Weekly from the new Star Wars movie, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story," show Stormtroopers in a familiar landscape. The film was, of course, partly filmed in Iceland.

Activities and Recreation

Glacier tours and caving: walk on the wild side!

31 May 2016 The Icelandic landscape is peppered with breathtakingly beautiful glaciers and caves. The largest glacier, Vatnajökull, is one of Europe’s largest and covers 8% of the entire country country.

Islands of Iceland

The lighthouse in Grímsey.

Islands of Iceland IV: Grímsey

29 Mar 2016 Welcome to the last in our four-part Ea­ster series present­ing and celebrat­ing some of the is­lands which decorate the ed­ges of this is­land nati­on. Our final dest­inati­on is Grímsey.

South Iceland slavery case

Eight witnesses heard in slavery investigation

1 Mar 2016 A man of Sri Lankan nationality has been in police custody on suspicion of keeping at least two women in slavery and forced labour. All eight witnesses interviewed so far have worked at the company owned by the man, Vonta International.

Iceland at Euro 2016 Handball Championship

Dagur Sigurðsson fylgist ákafur með á hliðarlínunni í sigurleik þýska landsliðsins gegn Slóvenum á miðvikudagskvöld.

„Við erum orðnir enn gráðugri“

21 Jan 2016 „Við erum orðnir enn gráðugri,“ sagði Dagur Sigurðsson eftir sigur Þjóðverja á Slóvenum á Evrópumeistaramótinu í handbolta í Póllandi. „Við erum með ungt lið. Sjáum til hvernig eldri liðin fara að því að standast álagið.“

Naked Man in Box


Video: Watch naked artist find freedom again- outside the box

7 Dec 2015 There was quite a media circus surrounding art student Almar Atlason this morning when he emerged from his transparent box at the Iceland Academy of the Arts. During his one week stay in the box he's vomited, masturbated and received a death threat to only name a few things.

Strikes 2015

Photo: Þorvaldur Örn Kristmundsson

Rio Tinto strike called off

2 Dec 2015 “Bringing smeltering operations to a halt would be “pointless” and would give Rio Tinto the excuse they are looking for to shut the plant down all together.”

The Voice Iceland 2015

Ken Lee eða Can't Live?

No ‘Ken Lee’ for Iceland

23 Nov 2015 The Voice Iceland hopeful Ellert Heiðar Jóhannsson made a courageous choice of song to try and impress the judges with last Friday, as he took on Mariah Carey’s Without You.

Iceland Airwaves 2015

Iceland Airwaves - final night

Iceland Airwaves - final night

9 Nov 2015 The Iceland Airwaves festival came to a close last night. The main stage on Sunday night was the Vodafone hall with performances from Hot Chip and the Sleaford Mods.

Justin Bieber in Iceland 2015

Justin Bieber getting cold in the Jökulsárlón lagoon.

Swimming in the glacial lagoon is not illegal, just stupid

4 Nov 2015 The tour operators at Jökulsárlón glacial lagoon in East Iceland are worried that Justin Bieber fans will copy him and take the plunge, as he did, in his latest music video.

Icelandic skyr

'Skyr' by Arla is now illegal in Finland.

Finland bans Swedish ‘skyr’

7 Oct 2015 Swedish dairy giant Arla has been banned from marketing or selling products marked ‘skyr’ in Finland. Any violations of this ruling are punishable be a fine of €500,000 (approx. ISK 71 million).

Boycott of Israeli goods

Einstök white ale and Einstök pale ale for sale in a US grocery store.

Einstök beer back in US shelves after Israel boycott issue

1 Oct 2015 Iceland's prime export beer, Einstök, has found its way back to shops in the US. Einstök was removed from shelves when the City of Reykjavik agreed to a proposal to boycott Israeli products, a decision later retracted.

Siggi ‘the Hacker’

Sigurður Ingi Þórðarson, aka Siggi the Hacker.

Siggi the Hacker gets three years in prison

25 Sep 2015 Sigurður Ingi Þórðarson, otherwise known as Siggi the Hacker, has been sentenced to three years imprisonment for sexual abuse against minors. He has also been ordered to pay his victims damages amounting to 8,6 million ISK and legal fees of 6 million ISK. Þórðarson pleaded guilty to all charges.

Iceland Airwaves 2014

Iceland Airwaves: Day Four

Iceland Airwaves: Day Four

9 Nov 2014 The city vibrated with music last night as the Iceland Airwaves festival enjoyed its fourth night. The streets were packed with people despite the November chill. Amongst the highlights of the evening were Samaris, The Knife,Pink Street Boys, Future Islands and Caribou. The festival comes to a final climax tonight with The War on Drugs and Flaming Lips.




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