Iceland's First Lady Eliza Reid, with US Vice President Mike Pence and his wife Karen Pence.

Colors Speak Loudly during Pence’s Visit

5 Sep 2019 Colors said more than many words yesterday when US Vice President Mike Pence visited Höfði house, Reykjavík.

Flags flying in front of Advania.

Rainbow Flags near Höfði House

4 Sep 2019 Passers-by have noticed numerous rainbow flags flying in the vicinity of Höfði house, where US Vice President Mike Pence recently arrived on a state visit.

US Vice President Mike Pence.

‘Party against Pence’ Planned by 11 Associations

4 Sep 2019 Eleven associations are planning a protest today in Austurvöllur square, Reykjavík, at 5:30 pm, called “Partý gegn Pence,” meaning “Party against Pence.”

Reykjavík Mayor Dagur B. Eggertsson was the flag-bearer of the parade.

Proud of Pride Parade

19 Aug 2019 A record number of people gathered downtown on Saturday for Reykjavík Pride Parade.

Hallgrímskirkja church is at the top of the street.

Gay for Good

16 Aug 2019 Skólavörðustígur, one of the streets in downtown Reykjavík, has been painted in rainbow colors – for good.

In 2016, the steps in front of Menntaskólinn í Reykjavík junior college were painted in celebration of Reykjavík Pride.

Reykjavík Pride Opens Today

8 Aug 2019 Reykjavík Pride (Hinsegin dagar) takes place August 8-17, with various events planned throughout the city.

Little Gay Reykjavík: Book on Queer History

23 Jun 2019 A new book, titled Little Gay Reykjavík: Queer History and Anecdotes, by Guðjón Ragnar Jónasson, has just come out in English.

Prime Minister Katrín Jakobsdóttir.

Gender Autonomy Act Applauded

21 Jun 2019 Alþingi, the Icelandic parliament, approved a gender autonomy act this week.

A rainbow being painted on the steps of Menntaskólinn í Reykjavík junior college in 2016. For several years, rainbows have been painted at various locations in Reykjavík around Gay Pride, but they have been washed away after the festivities.

Permanent Rainbow in Reykjavík

6 Jun 2019 The Reykjavík City Council has unanimously voted to approve a proposition to have a permanent rainbow painted on a street in Reykjavík.

Pink Iceland wedding photo.

Safe to Walk Hand in Hand in Iceland

17 May 2019 “LGBT and queer tourists sometimes experience hindrances, inconvenience, prejudice and even violence during their travels, which is why Pink Iceland was founded.”

Reykjavik Pride begins today

7 Aug 2018 Reykjavik Pride begins today and at noon, Mayor Dagur B.Eggertsson helped the directors of the festival to paint rainbow colours on the central street of Skólavörðustígur.

Winter Pride Festival takes place in Reykjavik in February

4 Feb 2018 February may be one of the coldest months of the year in Iceland, but the LGBT travel company Pink Iceland hopes to warm things up with their winter pride festival.

An Icelandic man, although fully clothed, at Reynisfjara beach in South Iceland.

Magazine featuring naked Icelandic men becomes a bestseller

2 Nov 2017 Gay Iceland reports that the Reykjavik issue of photography, culture and travel publication ELSKA is getting its sixth reprint.

Thousands participate in Reykjavik Pride Parade

12 Aug 2017 It's a beautiful sunny day in Reykjavik and a great number of people are participating in the Reykjavik Pride Parade.

The Pride Parade last year in Reykjavik.

Asexuals march for the first time at Reykjavik Pride

11 Aug 2017 This year, asexuals join the Reykjavik Pride Parade for the first time. The parade takes part in the city centre tomorrow bringing the Reykjavik Pride to a close.


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