The sister-trio, with their brother.

Three Sisters to Represent Iceland at Eurovision

News Tagged with “Eurovision”
Daði og Gagnamagnið.

Iceland Qualifies for Eurovision’s Final

21 May 2021 Last night, Iceland’s representatives at the Eurovision Song Contest 2021 in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, progressed on to the grand final.

Daði og Gagnamagnið in Rotterdam.

Coronavirus Case Among Icelandic Delegation at Eurovision

19 May 2021 One of the group members of Daði og Gagnamagnið, representing Iceland at the Eurovision Song Contest 2021, tested positive for COVID-19 in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, this morning.

Daði og Gagnamagnið.

Iceland’s Contribution to Eurovision Premiers: Video

16 Mar 2021 Iceland’s contribution to the Eurovision Song Contest – ‘10 Years’ - premiered on RÚV television Saturday night, performed by the group Daði og Gagnamagnið.


Hatari Will Complain about El Al

21 May 2019 Band members of Hatari, the punk rock band that represented Iceland at the Eurovision Song Contest in Tel Aviv, Israel, were assigned the aircraft’s least desirable seats by El Al staff as they left Tel Aviv for London yesterday and, as a result, intend to file a formal complaint.

Hatari band members, waving a banner in the colors of the Palestinian flag.

Hatari's Display of Palestinian Flag Causes Controversy

20 May 2019 “We have not received anything from EBU [the European Broadcasting Union], and we’ll wait and see whether that happens.”

Hatari made it to the grand final.

Hatari Qualifies for Eurovision Grand Final

15 May 2019 For the first time since 2014, Iceland has qualified for the Eurovision grand final, scheduled for Saturday night in Tel Aviv, Israel.

Guðbjörg, during Sunday's service, wearing the spiked strap.

Spreads Love with Spikes and Hatari Lyrics

14 May 2019 A highly innovative and bold minister in South Iceland has found a way to connect with her young confirmands.

Hatari, at the opening ceremony party Saturday night.

Will Hatari Prevail?

13 May 2019 Iceland’s representatives at the Eurovision song contest this year in Tel Aviv, Israel, have received great attention, reports.

These fans of the band Hatari, representing Iceland at Eurovision, insist that life does have a purpose, despite Hatari's lyrics.

Life Has Purpose, Hatari Fans Insist

8 May 2019 Anticipation is mounting in Iceland for the Eurovision Song Contest, to be held in Tel Aviv, Israel, May 14-18.

Hatari are already receiving strong criticism in the Israeli press.

"Europe will look into a mirror"

4 Mar 2019 Hatari, the cyber goth-techno band that will be representing Iceland at the Eurovision song say the next step in their plan is to present Hatari and their views to Israeli media. Hatari has already received strong criticism in the Israeli press.

Netta, the winner of Eurovision last Saturday.

Over five thousand Icelanders sign petition to boycott Eurovision Song Contest 2019

15 May 2018 Over five thousand Icelanders have in the last 24 horus signed a petition to demand that Iceland boycott the Eurovision Song Contest which will take place in Israel in 2019 by not taking part.

Netta from Ísrael drew some comparisons to the Icelandic Björk, at least for her hair and outfit. Many Icelanders are outraged at the win.

Iceland to take part in Eurovision in Israel next year

14 May 2018 Despite a wave of criticism on Israel winning the Eurovision Song Contest on Saturday, Iceland expects to take part in next year's contest which will take place in Israel.

Ari Ólafsson with "Our Choice" was not their choice.

Iceland fails to qualify for Eurovision finals

9 May 2018 Iceland's Eurovision entry this year failed to get past the semi finals last night. Singer Ari Ólafsson and ballad "Our Choice" will therefore not be on stage on Saturday night in Lisbon.

Svala Björgvinsdóttir will be the 13th to perform tonight.

Svala prepares for Eurovision with honey, music and stretches

9 May 2017 The first preliminary round of the Eurovision Song Contests is tonight. Iceland’s Svala Björgvins will be the 13th on stage. Afterwards her father will read the score from Iceland. He claims he is even more nervous than when he competed in Eurovision in 1995.

Svala wearing the catsuit and cape designed by Shoplifter.

Iceland's Svala wows fans with her incredible Eurovision outfit

4 May 2017 Icelandic artist Svala who competes on Iceland's behalf in the Eurovision contest held next week, just premiered the stunning outfit she will be wearing on stage. It's designed by New York based Icelandic artist Hrafnhildur Arnardóttir, otherwise known as Shoplifter.




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