Caught in the act.

Sheep Eat Arctic Tern Eggs and Chicks

News Tagged with “Sheep”
The precious Gimsteinn, or Jewel.

Precious Jewel in East Fjords

18 Jan 2022 Steinn Björnsson, farmer at Þernunes in Reyðarfjörður, the East Fjords, is the owner of a precious Jewel.

Genotype That Protects Against Scrapie Discovered in Iceland

17 Jan 2022 After years of searching, a genotype that protects against scrapie has been found in sheep in Iceland.

Waiting for rescue.

Sheep Stuck in Snow in Severe Weather

1 Oct 2021 With the help of rescue workers, farmers at Hæli in Húnavatnshreppur district, Northwest Iceland, managed to save all their sheep that got stuck in snow in Tuesday’s blizzard.

Case of Scrapie in Skagafjörður

13 Sep 2021 The Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority, MAST, announced Friday night that a case of scrapie had been confirmed in a sheep on the farm Syðra-Skörðugil in Skagafjörður, North Iceland.

The ram, ready to charge.

Ram Attempts Burglary in Þingvellir National Park

26 Jun 2021 When Einar Á. Sæmundsen, director of Þingvellir National Park, came to work last week, he was startled to see the signs of an attempted burglary.

Recording in action.

Composing Music from Sounds of Sheep

31 Jan 2021 Composer Hafdís Bjarnadóttir is working on a musical composition involving the sounds of sheep.

This lamb adorned the December page for 2020.

Spreading the Beauty of Icelandic Sheep

26 Dec 2020 The 2021 new Lamb Calendar is out, adorned with photos of Icelandic lambs.

Case of Scrapie Confirmed in North Iceland

27 Oct 2020 A case of scrapie was confirmed in a sheep on the farm Stóru-Akrar in Skagafjörður, North Iceland, last week.

The sheep coming from the mountains.

Farmers Herd Sheep to Roundup

11 Sep 2020 Farmers in Hrunamannahreppur district, Southwest Iceland, were busy herding their sheep from the mountains early yesterday morning.

A flying sheep. Click on the picture to better view this skilled creature.

Blizzard Conditions Could Complicate Roundup of Sheep

2 Sep 2020 Time flies, as does the sheep in the picture above.

Don't forget the two-sheep rule.

Two-Sheep Rule and No Sharing of Song-Enhancing Liquid

28 Aug 2020 The roundup of sheep is just around the corner in Iceland.


Crazy Bína Gives Birth to Quadruplets

14 May 2020 It is rare for ewes to give birth to three lambs, and four are surely the exception.

Eiríkur Kristófersson and Bjarni Valur Guðmundsson, with one of the missing sheep.

Farmers find lost sheep in middle of highlands

5 Jan 2018 Farmers from the Hrunamannahreppur district went on an expedition to the Kerlingarfjöll mountains in the highlands to find lost sheep. They found four sheep which have been outside all winter long.




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