Sigrún Hulda Jónsdóttir, holding one of the hens.

Hens Help Teach Kids About Sustainability

News Tagged with “Birds”
A European golden plover.

Golden Plover and Spring Have Arrived

21 Mar 2022 The European golden plover, traditionally seen as the harbinger of spring in Iceland, has arrived.

A dead common eider, covered in oil.

About 200 Common Eiders Covered in Oil

11 Mar 2022 About 200 common eiders, covered in oil, some of them dead, have been found in the village Suðureyri in Súgandafjörður fjord.

A common murre in Klettsvík cove on January 29.

Birds Covered in Oil That Might Be from 1983 Shipwreck

1 Feb 2022 Recently, more and more birds, covered in oil, have been discovered in the vicinity Vestmannaeyjar islands, off the south coast of Iceland.

Caught in the act.

Sheep Eat Arctic Tern Eggs and Chicks

21 Jan 2022 A newly published article in the nature journal Náttúrufræðingurinn reveals that in 2019, sheep on Flatey island in Breiðafjörður fjord, West Iceland, were seen pushing an Arctic tern off its nest and eating its eggs.

Biologist Hálfdán H. Helgason and Páll Leifsson, examining a carcass.

Hundreds of Dead Birds on Beaches in East Fjords

13 Jan 2022 Numerous dead sea birds have been found on beaches in the East Fjords lately.

Yellow warbler, during a stopover in Iceland.

Rarely-Seen Visitors Spotted in Iceland

26 Sep 2021 This is the time of year that bird watchers and photographers keep their eyes open for unusual birds that might visit Iceland on their way to other countries.

Brants, flying over Seltjarnarnes, near Reykjavík.

On-Time Departure, Plus or Minus a Day

16 Sep 2021 Flocks of brants, a.k.a. brent geese (Branta bernicla), have been spotted in the western part of Iceland recently.

Gloves can be handy.

Children Save Lives of Lost Pufflings

22 Aug 2021 The season most cherished by the children of Vestmannaeyjar islands has started.

Sale of Down Is Up

24 Jun 2021 “I’m very optimistic.”

Common loons by Veiðivötn lakes in the highlands.

Floating Nest to Be Installed for Loon

21 Feb 2021 There are plans to install a floating nest or platform in Vantsdalsvatn lake.

Looking majestic.

Fabulous Gyrfalcon Delights Photographer

17 Jan 2021 Photographer Alex Máni Guðríðarson, who specializes in photographing birds, had the good fortune at the beginning of the year to spot a gyrfalcon by Hlíðarvatn lake in Selvogur, Southwest Iceland.

Will Bird Flu Spread to Iceland?

9 Jan 2021 Bird flu, or avian influenza, is spreading fast in Europe and, as a result, there is a phase one alert in Iceland.

Krýsuvíkurbjarg cilffs.

Better View of 34 Species of Birds

10 Nov 2020 In the future, you may be able to get a chance to see the guillemots and black-legged kittiwakes of Krýsuvíkurbjarg cliffs, on the south side of the Reykjanes peninsula, up close.

The European golden plover holds a clear lead.

Will Golden Plover Get Majority of Votes?

4 Nov 2020 An election is underway in Iceland these days.

Dangerous Conditions for Ptarmigan Hunters

2 Nov 2020 The weather gods are not cooperating with ptarmigan hunters, and health authorities in Iceland advise them not to travel.




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