Þorsteinn Már Baldvinsson.

Samherji Apologizes for ‘Reprehensible Business Practices’

22 Jun 2021 The Icelandic fishing and fish processing company Samherji hf. publishes a full-page ad in Morgunblaðið today, apologizing for “reprehensible business practices” in Namibia.

Fishing Company Samherji Issues Apology

31 May 2021 The Icelandic fishing and fish processing company Samherji hf. issued an apology yesterday, admitting the company went too far in its reaction to negative media coverage.

Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture Kristján Þór Júlíusson.

Icelandic Food Production Provides Plenty of Protein

12 Feb 2021 Icelandic food production has grown in recent years, supplying Icelanders with most of the food they need, especially when it comes to protein.

The trawler Júlíus Geirmundsson.

Case of COVID-19-Infected Crew Investigated by Police

27 Oct 2020 The West Fjords Police Department is investigating the case of the COVID-19-infected crew of the trawler Júlíus Geirmundsson as a criminal case.

Most of the crew members were infected with COVID-19.

‘Deplorable Circumstances’ for COVID-19-Infected Crew of Trawler

26 Oct 2020 “The circumstances of [the crew] were deplorable.”

The Icelandic Industry Building.

Wheels of Icelandic Industry Turn Slowly

24 Mar 2020 As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, every industry in Iceland is experiencing a slowdown.

Blue Economy Report Predicts Major Change

3 Dec 2019 A new future report is out on the blue economy in Iceland, that is, the exploitation and preservation of the marine environment.

Bern­h­ar­dt Esau.

Charged with Receiving Payments for Fishing Quota

3 Dec 2019 The leaking of documents to Wikileaks by a former employee of Samherji, a leading company in the Icelandic fishing industry, continues to have consequences in Namibia.

Gunnþór Ingason, managing director of Síldarvinnslan.

Síldarvinnslan ‘Never Intended to Deceive Anyone’

18 Nov 2019 In response to a story published here on Friday, translated from Fréttablaðið, which first published it, Síldarvinnslan has sent out a press release, stating that the email quoted in the story was completely misinterpreted.

Worry about Iceland’s Reputation

14 Nov 2019 Information published by WikiLeaks Tuesday night, suggesting dubious business practices in Namibia by Samherji, one of the leading companies in the Icelandic fishing industry, has shocked the Icelandic nation.

Minister of Fisheries Kristján Þór Júlíusson.

Icelandic Minister Met Namibian Officials

13 Nov 2019 According to the whistleblower Jóhannes Stefánsson, Kristján Þór Júlíusson, who now serves as Iceland’s minister of fisheries, briefly met three men in 2014, when he was minister of health, who, in exchange for bribes, were working on providing the Icelandic company Samherji fishing quotas in Namibia.

Screenshot from the news program Kveikur, broadcast last night on RÚV, showing Samherji CEO Þorsteinn Már Baldvinsson.

Bribes in Exchange for Fishing Quotas

13 Nov 2019 Companies owned by Samherji are reported to have paid hundreds of millions of Icelandic krónur in bribes to obtain access to Namibia’s fishing quotas.

WikiLeaks Releases 30,000 Documents on Icelandic Company in Namibia

13 Nov 2019 WikiLeaks has published more than 30,000 documents from whistleblower Jóhannes Stefánsson, former managing director of operations in Namibia for Samherji, one of the leading companies in the Icelandic fish industry.

Sanctions against Iceland?

26 Aug 2019 The European Parliament’s Fisheries Committee plans to discuss possible sanctions against Iceland and Greenland at a meeting September 4, due to the countries’ having increased their mackerel quotas.

The coast guard ship Óðinn was quite an attraction.

Fishermen’s Day in Pictures

3 Jun 2019 Fishermen’s Day was celebrated all over Iceland yesterday.




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