Welcome to Sunday school at your church, the text reads.

Big-Breasted Jesus Causes Controversy

14 Sep 2020 An advertisement from the National Church of Iceland, encouraging children to attend Sunday school, caused quite a controversy over the weekend.

Róbert Spanó with Turkish President Recep  Erdoğan, Friday.

Criticized for Accepting Degree from Turkish University

7 Sep 2020 Róbert Ragnar Spanó, president of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) since April this year, is facing criticism from many directions for having accepted and honorary degree from Istanbul University.

Flowers were laid in front of the ruins of Bræðraborgarstígur 1.

Seeking Solutions to Prevent Another Tragedy

1 Jul 2020 “This is such a stain on our society, and we must unite to eliminate it.”

From the protest.

Thousands Protest in Austurvöllur

4 Jun 2020 Between 3,500 and 5,000 people gathered in Austurvöllur square, Reykjavík, yesterday to express solidarity with those who have in recent days protested police brutality against black people in the US.

Iceland Ranks First in Children’s Rights

26 May 2020 For the second year in a row, Iceland ranks first on the Kids Rights Index as the country where children’s rights are best guaranteed.

Vigdís Finnbogadóttir.

Former President Vigdís Finnbogadóttir Turns 90 Today

15 Apr 2020 Today is the 90th birthday of Vigdís Finnbogadóttir, former president of Iceland.

Minister for the Environment and Natural Resources Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson.

Icelandic Minister Criticizes Perry for Banning Same-Sex Marriage

14 Oct 2019 Icelandic Minister for the Environment and Natural Resources Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson criticized US Secretary of Energy Rick Perry at their meeting with Prime Minister Katrín Jakobsdóttir on Thursday.

The conference takes place at Harpa Concert Hall.

MeToo Conference Opens in Iceland

17 Sep 2019 The first major international MeToo conference opens this afternoon at Harpa Concert Hall in Reykjavík.

US Vice President Mike Pence.

‘Party against Pence’ Planned by 11 Associations

4 Sep 2019 Eleven associations are planning a protest today in Austurvöllur square, Reykjavík, at 5:30 pm, called “Partý gegn Pence,” meaning “Party against Pence.”

Reykjavík Mayor Dagur B. Eggertsson was the flag-bearer of the parade.

Proud of Pride Parade

19 Aug 2019 A record number of people gathered downtown on Saturday for Reykjavík Pride Parade.

Hallgrímskirkja church is at the top of the street.

Gay for Good

16 Aug 2019 Skólavörðustígur, one of the streets in downtown Reykjavík, has been painted in rainbow colors – for good.

In 2016, the steps in front of Menntaskólinn í Reykjavík junior college were painted in celebration of Reykjavík Pride.

Reykjavík Pride Opens Today

8 Aug 2019 Reykjavík Pride (Hinsegin dagar) takes place August 8-17, with various events planned throughout the city.

Little Gay Reykjavík: Book on Queer History

23 Jun 2019 A new book, titled Little Gay Reykjavík: Queer History and Anecdotes, by Guðjón Ragnar Jónasson, has just come out in English.

A rainbow being painted on the steps of Menntaskólinn í Reykjavík junior college in 2016. For several years, rainbows have been painted at various locations in Reykjavík around Gay Pride, but they have been washed away after the festivities.

Permanent Rainbow in Reykjavík

6 Jun 2019 The Reykjavík City Council has unanimously voted to approve a proposition to have a permanent rainbow painted on a street in Reykjavík.

New agreement lowers dental bills for the elderly

24 Aug 2018 The elderly and disabled in Iceland frequently put off seeing the dentist, because of the high cost involved.




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