Whale being cut in Hvalfjörður fjord.

Whaling Will Resume This Summer

News Tagged with “Whaling”

No Whaling this Summer

24 Apr 2020 No whaling will be conducted in Icelandic waters this summer.

A whale being cut up and prepared at the whaling station in Hvalfjörður.

Icelandic environmentalist concerned about renewed whaling permit for Fin and Minke Whales

27 Mar 2019 Several environmental and animal rights societies in Iceland have sent an open letter to Parliament expressing their concern about the decision made by Kristján Þór Júlíusson, Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture to renew the whaling permit for Fin whales and Minke whales until 2023.

The new report from the Institute of Economic Studies  states that the Iceland’s whaling operations have absolutely no effects on the tourist industry in Iceland.

Iceland Environment Association want controversial whaling report to be withdrawn

22 Jan 2019 The board of the Iceland Environmental Agency has called for the University of Iceland’s Institute of Economic Studies to withdraw the report and redo it in cooperation with ecologists.

Kristján Loftsson is happy about Japan's decision to leave the IWC.

Japan's withdrawal from the IWC not influential to Iceland

27 Dec 2018 Japan's decision to withdraw from the International Whaling Commission has no influence on Iceland says director of Hvalur hf, Kristján Loftsson. Hvalur hf is the only whaling company in Iceland.

Kristján Loftsson is not attending the meeting of the International Whaling Commission in Brazil.

125 whales hunted this season in Iceland

11 Sep 2018 Director of Hvalur hf, Kristján Loftsson says that whaling has gone well despite bad weather conditions this hunting season and 125 whales have been caught. He says that how long hunting will continue this autumn depends on the weather.

A fin whale at the whaling station in Hvalfjörður.

Icelandic government receives thousands of emails to protest whale hunting

8 Sep 2018 The Icelandic government have received over ten thousand emails from individuals protesting the decision of Hvalur hf whaling company to recommence whaling on July 6th. This is still a much smaller number of emails then those received in 2006 when Icelanders began commercial whale hunting.

Kristján Loftsson says that pregnant female fin whales have been hunted since the 1940's.

Whale hunting company confirms that they have hunted 11 pregnant whales this summer

21 Aug 2018 Whale hunters working for Hvalur hf. have hunted eleven pregnant fin whales this summer. This was confirmed by director of the company, Kristján Loftsson. He says it's impossible to know whether a whale is pregnant or not and that there is nothing unusual about this.

A photo taken by Hard to Port yesterday.

Animal rights activists protest killing of pregnant fin whale

21 Aug 2018 Animal rights association Hard to Port have accused Icelandic whaling company of hunting a pregnant fin whale. Photos of the incident spread quickly on social media and a protest took place last night outside the premises of Hvalur hf in Hvalfjörður.

Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson, minister for the environment and natural resources.

Environment minister doubts whaling is sustainable

16 Aug 2018 Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson, minister for the environment and natural resources, is not convinced of the sustainability of whaling in Icelandic waters.

Kristján Loftsson, director of whaling company  Hvalur hf.

Icelandic whaling company sued by conservationists for killing hybrid whale

10 Aug 2018 Conservation organisation Jarðarvinir is suing Icelandic whaling company Hvalur hf for hunting a fin whale/ blue whale hybrid last month.

The hunting of hybrids is legal, while the blue whale is a protected species.

Hybrid Whale Meat not for Export

20 Jul 2018 “There are no plans to export the meat,” stated Kristján Loftsson, CEO of Hvalur hf.

The controversial whale turned out to be a hybrid.

Controversial Whale is Hybrid

20 Jul 2018 The whale caught by the Icelandic whaling company Hvalur hf. on July 8th is a hybrid.

Adam A. Peck believes the whale is a blue whale and not a hybrid.  t

US professor of biology believes hunted whale to be a blue whale

12 Jul 2018 Speaking to CNN, professor of biology Adam A.Peck at the University of Hawaii says that the whale hunted by Hvalur hf on Saturday night is a blue whale and not a hybrid blue/ fin whale as believed by Icelandic experts.

A photo released by Hard to Port of the whale.

Rare blue whale hybrid possibly hunted by Icelandic whaling company

11 Jul 2018 Icelandic whaling company Hvalur hf who recently began hunting fin whales again, may have killed a rare, protected blue whale or a blue whale/ fin whale hybrid. This was reported by animal rights campaigners Hard To Port who also published photos of the whale being landed in Hvalfjörður and cut up for meat.

Whale hunting boats at Reykjavik harbour.

Anti-whaling Icelanders protest on Sunday against recommencement of whaling

9 Jun 2018 A peaceful protest has been organised tomorrow at Reykjavik Harbour when whale hunting company Hvalur hf. begins hunting for fin whales.


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