
Free The Nipple

Britney Spears birti tvær myndir af sér berri að ofan um helgina.

Britney frelsaði geirvörtuna

27 Jul 2021 Tónlistarkonan Britney Spears birti tvær myndir af sér um helgina þar sem hún er ber að ofan. Á fyrri myndinni heldur hún fyrir brjóst sín en á þeirri seinni heldur hún neðar um brjóstin og berar þannig geirvörtuna.

Young women's frustration with the patriarchy broke out with the #freethenipple movement in 2015. Women flocked to the streets and even to work with bare chests or no bras.

Young Icelandic women "fed up with the patriarchy"

4 Jun 2018 Even though Iceland has been touted internationally as a sort of "paradise for equal rights" a new Ph.D. thesis by Ásta Jóhannsdóttir points to something different.

Frá Laugardalslaug.

Berbrjósta gestir velkomnir í Reykjavík

16 Jan 2017 Sundlaugagestum Reykjavíkurborgar er velkomið að mæta án sundfata að ofanverðu. Þetta segir Þórgnýr Thoroddsen, formaður ÍTR, í samtali við

Jaðarsbakkalaug swimming pool in  Akranes, South West Iceland.

Topless woman shown out of Iceland pool: Whatever happened to free the nipple?

16 Jan 2017 A student at the University of Iceland was told to leave the pool in the small town of Akranes on Saturday for swimming without a bikini top. Apparently the town of Akranes isn't quite with it on the Free the Nipple revolution that took place in Iceland two years ago.

The Slut Walk is followed by speeches and festivities in the city centre.

Reykjavik Slut Walk on Saturday

22 Jul 2016 The Reykjavik Slut Walk takes places for the sixth time on Saturday leaving from Hallgrímskirkja church at 2 pm and ending at downtown Austurvöllur square.

On March 26th last year, students, mothers and even politicians bared their breasts on social media and in public to protest nudity double standards.

Celebrating a year of #freet­henipple

23 Mar 2016 This Saturday is the formal anniversary of freeing the Icelandic female nipple, a day when students urged the women of the nation to bare their nipples to desexualise them and protest against the taboo that bared women's nipples have in a public space.

Frá Freethenipple-deginum í Reykjavík í júní á síðasta ári.

Norskur bloggari frelsaði geirvörtuna

16 Jan 2016 Norski bloggarinn Sophie Elise vann til tveggja verðlauna á stærstu bloggverðlaunahátíð Noregs, Vixen Blog Awards, bæði sem bloggari ársins og vinsældarverðlaun. Þegar hún tók við verðlaununum lyfti hún bolnum upp og frelsaði geirvörtuna.

'Free The Nipple Day' in June.

Free the Nipple pioneer awarded

12 Oct 2015 Adda Þóreyjardóttir Smáradóttir – pioneer of the Iceland Free the Nipple movement – has been voted Youth of the Year 2015.

Thousands attended the Reykjavik Slut Walk 2015

Thousands attend Reykjavik Slut Walk

25 Jul 2015 The biggest ever Slut Walk took place in Reykjavik today. Thousands rallied to support the cause: to put an end to sexual violence, shame the perpetrators and not the victims and to press for changes in the judicial system with regards to sexual crimes.

McGorry speaks out on #FreeTheNipple

9 Jul 2015 Matt McGorry, star of US comedy-drama series Orange is the New Black, has added his voice to the #FreeTheNipple campaign which dominated Icelandic news earlier this year.

Tne Reykjavik Metropolitan Police were notified of a naked cyclist at Austurvöllur square.

Man frees willy at #FreeTheNipple

14 Jun 2015 The Reykjavik metropolitan police was alerted at two p.m yesterday of the fact that a naked man was cycling around Austurvöllur square at the #FreeTheNipple event.

The sun shone on participants at Austurvöllur square.

Women gather in the sunshine for #FreeTheNipple

13 Jun 2015 Today, the #FreeTheNipple movement in Iceland organised an event at Austurvöllur square in Reykjavik to desexualise the female nipple. Crowds of women gathered on this sunny Saturday afternoon to support the cause in the name of feminism.

Among the bands performing at Austurvöllur square tomorrow afternoon are female rappers Reykjavíkurdætur.

Free the nipple celebrated tomorrow

12 Jun 2015 An event to create discussion on the desexualisation of the female nipple will be taking place tomorrow at Austurvöllur, the parliamant square. The event starts at 1 p.m and women are encouraged to topless or braless.

The #freethenipple revolution started in March and will continue on June 13th. The feminist movement wants to help to desexualize the female nipple.

Return of Free the Nipple

5 Jun 2015 Over a thousand people are attending a scheduled event on Saturday June 13th at Austurvöllur parliament square in Reykjavik. The event is organised by the Free The Nipple movement which has the main goal of helping to de-sexualize the female nipple.

Women have been speaking out on abuse in Iceland using the hashtags #þöggun and #konurtala.

Women speak out on abuse

31 May 2015 Following the feminist #freethenipple revolution on Twitter, another and slightly more quiet revolution is taking place for young Icelandic women. Within the Beauty Tips Facebook group, popular with young women, there are now dozens of posts where women speak out on abuse they have suffered with the hashtag #þöggun which means "silenced."




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