Nostra. which opened in November, is being touted as one of the most exciting restaurants in Reykjavik.

Forager's Club dinner at Reykjavik's Nostra on Sunday night

News Tagged with “Eating and Drinking”

Slippurinn restaurant and the new wave of cooking coming from Iceland

24 Jan 2018 The Slow Food association has published an interview with Icelandic wunderkind chef Gísli Matthías Auðunsson. He's the founder of the critically acclaimed restaurant Slippurinn in the Westman Islands and also runs a small restaurant, Skál, at Hlemmur Mathöll, the food hall in Reykjavik.

Manager of Blackbox, Binni Löve firing up the oven.

Hip new pizza joint opens in Reykjavik's financial district

23 Jan 2018 Blackbox is a new experience in pizzas in Iceland which has just opened in Borgartún, the financial street of central Reykjavik.

The boys made the food wagon themselves and deep fried kleinur on the spot for hungry tourists.

Reykjavik kids sell "kleinas" to tourists

22 Jan 2018 These young entrepreneurs decided to try to make a profit from the tourist boom and set up a kleina and hot chocolate booth at Grótta beach in West Reykjavik.

Enjoy fine dining in Reykjavik during the holday season.

Restaurant opening hours during the holidays

26 Dec 2017 Don't worry, you don't need to resort to eating a hot dog on Boxing Day or New Years Eve.

Arnar Bjarnason at Borðið inside Hlemmur Mathöll.

Gorgeous Mediterranean fast food at Hlemmur food hall

10 Dec 2017 Borðið is one of the food stalls at Hlemmur Mathöll, the new food hall at Hlemmur. It's a restaurant that's been located in West Reykjavik and has now opened a small branch at the food hall.

A new five course Christmas menu at hip Kex Hostel

2 Dec 2017 Get into the Christmas spirit at Kex Hostel in central Reykjavik who began their month of Christmas celebrations, KEXmas, yesterday. This year they're presenting a gorgeous five course Christmas lunch menu served between midday and 3 pm daily.

Savoury porridge at Hverfisgata 12 with wild mushrooms and kale.

A new and exciting brunch menu at Reykjavik's most famous pizzeria

24 Nov 2017 "Our brunch has received wonderful reviews but not everyone knows that we offer brunch on weekends even though we're best known for our pizzas," says manager Hinrik Carl Ellertsson.

A meal conducted in silence hosted by Finnish artist Nina Bachman.

Enjoy a silence meal at the Nordic House

15 Nov 2017 The Silence Meal is a performative dining experience hosted by the Finnish artist Nina Backman and takes place on November 19-21st.

Hafsteinn Ólafsson, centre, is Iceland's chef of the year.

Iceland's chef of the year is Hafsteinn Ólafsson

24 Sep 2017 Hafsteinn Ólafsson, chef at Sumac Grill & Drinks in Reykjavik, has won chef of the year award 2017 in Iceland after battling it out in an exciting contest at Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Centre.

Tacos with home-made sauces on the side.

Authentic Mexican food at Hlemmur food hall

20 Sep 2017 The food is prepared by Juan Carlos Peregrina Guarneros who conjures up the food that his mother and grandmother taught him to make.

Sumac's interiors are designed by Halfdan Pedersen and juxtapose raw concrete walls with warm leather furnishings.

Review: A mouth-watering adventure at Sumac

19 Sep 2017 Sumac, a new addition to the restaurant scene draws inspiration from the heady flavours of North Africa and Lebanon.

Björn Steinar, Gísli Matthías, Gísli Grímsson and interior designer Íris Ósk Laxdal.

One of Iceland's most touted chefs opens a stall at new food hall

10 Sep 2017 Joining the plethora of food stalls at the new and very popular Hlemmur Mathöll food hall in Reykjavik is Skál, a tiny restaurant owned by star chef Gísli Matthías Auðunsson of the famous Slippurinn in the Westman Islands.

Mæsa and Theó at Stykkishólmur Slowly.

Is this Iceland's most charming coffee shop?

31 Aug 2017 Slowly is a micro-travel agency and coffee shop in Stykkishólmur in West Iceland. It's owned by friends María Jónasdóttir, known as Mæsa, and Theódóra Matthíasdóttir, known as Theó.

Guðný, Eggert, Manuel and Ragna enjoying a cup of Kombucha at Frú Lauga.

Icelandic Kombucha hits the market

23 Aug 2017 The ultimate new age hipster drink Kombucha is now becoming popular in Iceland, and there's even an Icelandic Kombucha called Kombucha Iceland.

Fresh fish in Tálknafjörður.

Is this the best fishmongers in Iceland?

22 Aug 2017 Fresh fish for sale, reads the hand-written poster in remote Tálknafjörður in the West Fjords of Iceland. It's a sign for a self-service fishmongers where you simply just take your fish and leave money in a jar. The owners simply place good faith in their customers.




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