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In Isolation Instead of Getting Married

News Tagged with “Weddings”
A happy couple.

Tying the Knot in Iceland Is Appealing

2 Feb 2020 “The main attraction is having wedding pictures taken in Icelandic landscape.”

Pink Iceland wedding photo.

Safe to Walk Hand in Hand in Iceland

17 May 2019 “LGBT and queer tourists sometimes experience hindrances, inconvenience, prejudice and even violence during their travels, which is why Pink Iceland was founded.”

Couple Eric and Jennifer Stover with the staff at Skál.

American couple get married inside the Hlemmur food hall in Reykjavik

21 Mar 2018 Hlemmur Mathöll, the new food hall at Hlemmur is enormously popular with both locals and tourists. It's actually so popular that a couple from the US recently tied the knot inside the building.

The couple felt a connection to Iceland, so strong that they dropped plans for a wedding in New Orleans to exchange vows in Iceland

Exchanged vows in Iceland and donated the wedding dress

21 Feb 2017 USA couple Richard and Shasten Hildebrand came to Iceland to exchange their vows and have the wedding photo shoot. Later they donated the wedding dress to the Icelandic Red Cross, “for someone to have the good fortune that we have.”

The photographs are very dramatic.

Couple travel to Iceland with film crew for wedding shoot

11 Aug 2016 Canadian couple Cici and Clement decided to take two photographers and two cameramen to Iceland to shoot their wedding photographs.

Icelandic Coast Guard Helicopter.

Iceland Coast Guard helicopter photobombs a wedding photo shoot

26 Jul 2016 The wedding photographer CM Leung captured a pretty amazing moment during a wedding photo shoot in Iceland. A search and rescue helicopter from the Icelandic Coast Guard flew by the bride, dressed in a white wedding gown on a black glacial ridge.

Photo: Skarpi

Tying the knot in an Icelandic glacier cave

8 Mar 2016 Happy couple Mari and Anthony, from the UK, decided to tie the knot in what is becoming one of Iceland’s most iconic tourist destinations, Into the Glacier.

Mosha Lundström Halbert and Aidan Butler at Gamla Bíó in Reykjavik, Iceland.

Glamorous Iceland wedding featured in Vogue

27 Jan 2016 A fashionista's wedding was well documented for style bible Vogue yesterday. Fashion director Mosha Lundstsröm Hallbert got married to Aidan Butler in a Viking-themed wedding at Reykjavik's Viðey Island on New Year's Eve and continuing festivities at the swish Gamla Bíó concert venue downtown.

With the help of a 'selfie stick', Rev. Ægisson caught the entire congregration in one smily shot.

Iceland weddings for the 21st century

3 Aug 2015 An Icelandic priest appears to be making a name for himself for gladly incorporating the latest technology into his wedding services.

An Icelandic pool-side wedding

3 Jun 2015 A Thai-American couple tied the knot yesterday in Iceland – not in a beautiful Icelandic church or against the backdrop of one of Iceland’s spectacular wonders of nature, but at their local swimming pool.

Pagan chieftain Haukur Bragason weds Scottish gay couple Paul and Marc Aitken at Hjörleifshöfði.

Pagan and humanist gay weddings

14 May 2015 It is not just progressive legislation and a tolerant society that draws same-sex brides and grooms here to Iceland. It is also increasingly the allure of a humanist or Old Norse-style ceremony.


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