A dead common eider, covered in oil.

About 200 Common Eiders Covered in Oil

11 Mar 2022 About 200 common eiders, covered in oil, some of them dead, have been found in the village Suðureyri in Súgandafjörður fjord.

The couple Ester Sigfúsdóttir and Jón Jónsson entertain during Disaster Days.

Disaster Days Await You in Hólmavík This Weekend

25 Feb 2022 The festival Disaster Days opens today in the town Hólmavík, in the Strandir region of the West Fjords, and continues through Sunday.

From the West Fjords.

West Fjords Benefit from Being Best in Travel 2022

28 Jan 2022 In October, the West Fjords of Iceland were ranked first among the Lonely Planet’s Best in Travel 2022 Top 10 Regions.


Pilot Whale Carcasses Transported by Þór

13 Oct 2021 The carcasses of 53 pilot whales, which beached October 2 in Melavík cove in the Strandir region of the West Fjords, were successfully transported on board the Icelandic Coast Guard ship Þór yesterday afternoon.

From the scene of the car fire.

Narrow Escape from Burning Car

6 Sep 2021 Two Romanians escaped without injury from their burning car late Saturday night on Kleifaheiði mountain, near Patreksfjörður fjord, the West Fjords.

The cover of the book about the swimming cow, Sundkýrin Sæunn.

Swimming Across Fjord at Speed of Cow

4 Sep 2021 Sæunnarsund, an annual swimming event, was held in the West Fjords last Saturday to commemorate the heroic act of the cow Sæunn that swam across the fjord in 1987.

Part of the platform overhangs the mountain.

Platform on Precipitous Mountain Taking Shape

21 Aug 2021 “[T]he view and this great height is what matters most.”

Feeling dizzy already?

Afraid of Heights? Here’s Your Challenge

9 May 2021 Work on an observation platform on Bolafjall mountain, towering over the town of Bolungarvík, the West Fjords, will likely resume in late May.

Janne Kristensen and Wouter Van Hoeymissen.

In Love With the West Fjords: Video

21 Mar 2021 Janne Kristensen, from Denmark, and Wouter Van Hoeymissen, for Belgium, met in Reykjavík in 2005.

From the scene.

BBC Crew Rescued North of West Fjords: Video

17 Mar 2021 The Icelandic Coast Guard helicopter hoisted five people on board yesterday afternoon, after a passenger boat they were in began leaking and lost power north of Hornstrandir.

Óskar Jónasson, pleased with the project.

Bridge that Rocks

7 Nov 2020 A bridge made of nothing but stones was built this fall near the farm Hænuvík, in the westernmost part of the West Fjords.

Sigurður Ingi Jóhannsson opened the tunnel by phone from the office of the Icelandic Road Administration in Borgartún, Reykjavík.

New Tunnel and Ring Road 2 Open in West Fjords

27 Oct 2020 A new tunnel, Dýrafjarðargöng, connecting Arnarfjörður and Dýrafjörður fjords in the West Fjords, was formally opened on Sunday.

Some of the dolls on display.

Mom’s Dolls on Display in Ísafjörður

18 Oct 2020 An interesting exhibition of dolls from all over the world opened not long ago at Búðin, Ísafjörður.

The coast guard ship Ægir.

Converting Coast Guard Ship into Avalanche Museum?

17 Oct 2020 How about converting a coast guard ship into an avalanche museum with overnight accommodation and a restaurant?

West Fjords in White

30 Sep 2020 This amazing photo of the south side of the West Fjords was recently taken over Breiðafjörður bay.




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