White-tailed eagle.

Adventurous Eaglets Delight Researchers

News Tagged with “Icelandic birds”
Good at posing.

Owl Makes Unexpected Landing by Arnarnes Home

10 Apr 2020 People don’t get many visits these days, but Gísli Árni Gíslason got a welcome surprise visit last Sunday.

The crevice on Eldey island.

Crevice on Eldey Island Widens

4 Feb 2020 A crevice on Eldey – a sheer rock island, about 16 km (10 miles) southwest of the Reykjanes peninsula – has widened by about 3 cm since it was last measured a year ago.

Air-delivery of an amazing meal.

In Awe of Owls

12 Oct 2019 There are three species of owls in Iceland, and they are a rather rare sight.

White-tailed eagle.

Eagle Population Reaches New Heights

31 Aug 2019 This has been a good summer for the Icelandic white-tailed eagle.

Two cruise ships visited the island on Saturday.

Spellbound Tourists on Grímsey Miss Ferry

19 Jun 2019 “There is something special about this island. Here, time is somehow irrelevant.”

The redwing in its nest, on top of the flagpole.

Best Nest on Top of Flagpole

14 Jun 2019 A couple of redwings in North Iceland may have found the safest nesting place there ever was.

One of the horned grebes on Reykjavík Pond.

Beautiful Bird on Reykjavík Pond

5 Jun 2019 Two horned grebes were spotted last week on the Pond in Reykjavík.

Eider ducks may be too weak to nest.

Eider Duck Population in Sharp Decline?

27 May 2019 “We haven’t witnessed such a situation since 1968.”

One of the Chinese birds, "inspecting" the landscape.

Chinese Puffins on Hrísey Island

25 May 2019 One hundred-fifty Chinese puffins have arrived in Hrísey island, North Iceland.

Tumi Kolbeinsson, dove enthusiast.

Bait, Status Symbol, Messenger

12 May 2019 Keeping doves used to be a status symbol in Iceland.

Golden plover.

One Third of World’s Golden Plovers Nests in Iceland

9 May 2019 About a third of the world’s population of golden plover nests in Iceland.

From Akurey island.

Puffin Nesting Area Now Natural Reserve

3 May 2019 Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson, umhverfis- og auðlindaráðherra, undirritaði í dag friðlýsingu Akureyjar í Kollafirði. Verndargildi eyjunnar er ekki síst fólgið í mikilvægi hennar sem sjófuglabyggðar.

The poor swan has an aluminium can stuck to its beak.

Swan with tin can stuck to beak being rescued

4 Mar 2019 A swan was spotted with a tin can stuck to its beak in Urriðaholt, a suburb of Reykjavik. People are asked not to try to rescue the swan themselves as it is scared and will fly away and to wait for professionals as a rescue operation is underway.


Iceland's first duck with an Instagram account

6 Feb 2019 There are Instagram accounts for dogs and cats in Iceland but now a duck named Búkolla is set to become an Instagram star.

This owl was spotted in a garden in Vesturgata yesterday.

Short-eared owl spotted in Reykjavik

1 Feb 2019 A short eared owl was seen in Vesturgata in central Reykjavik yesterday. The bird was perching in a garden.




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