Katrín Jakobsdóttir leader of the Left-Green Movement.

Poll: Center-Left government in the cards in Iceland

News Tagged with “Independence Party”
Iceland's new government aims to reduce national debt.

Iceland’s new government’s economic policy

12 Jan 2017 Iceland's new coalition government has put forward an economic plan. Here are the highlights.

Leaders and representatives of four of Iceland's parties.

Could Iceland be heading for new elections?

7 Dec 2016 As informal talks between Iceland’s newly elected representatives drag on, with no formal solution in sight, the possibility of sending the people back to the polls is being mooted in some quarters.

Bjarni Benediktsson and Katrín Jakobsdóttir.

Talks between Iceland’s top two parties break down

1 Dec 2016 The two parties who took first and second place in Iceland’s general elections see no way forward for formal coalition talks between them.

Budget talks loom as Iceland remains without a government

30 Nov 2016 Icelandic MPs are expected to be convened next week to debate the draft State budget for 2017 – despite the country still being run by a caretaker government.

Party leaders discussed matters over the weekend.

Still no clarity on who will form Iceland’s next government

29 Nov 2016 Three days after Iceland’s political parties were told by the President to sort out a new government for themselves, there is still no sign of formal coalition talks getting under way.

Óttarr Proppé (right), leader of Bright Future, and Benedikt Jóhannesson (left), leader of Regeneration.

Talks on new Iceland government coalition break down

15 Nov 2016 Formal negotiations between three Icelandic parties on forming a new government have broken down this afternoon, it has been announced.

Bjarni Benediktsson: Iceland's next Prime Minister?

Formal talks on Iceland’s next government under way

14 Nov 2016 Formal talks on a new three-party centre-right coalition to rule Iceland for the next four years have been ongoing all weekend.

Bjarni Benediktsson.

Iceland’s largest party may be unable to form government

10 Nov 2016 Despite talks with all party leaders, no new government coalition has been announced.

The two leaders going into their meeting with Bjarni Benediktsson.

Two of Iceland’s seven parties form coalition talk alliance

3 Nov 2016 Bright Future and Regeneration – two parties in the centre of the Icelandic political spectrum – have decided to join forces for the purposes of ongoing talks to form a new government.

President Jóhannesson (left) and Bjarni Benediktsson (right).

Leader of Iceland’s right given mandate to form government

2 Nov 2016 Leader of Iceland’s Independence Party Bjarni Benediktsson will be given first crack of the whip at forming a new national government, it has just been announced.

Whatever happens next weekend, Iceland's Pirates will make history.

New poll puts Pirates back on course to win Iceland elections

21 Oct 2016 Iceland’s Pirate Party may be about to make history as the world’s first ‘pirate’ movement to win national general elections.

Could one of these be Iceland's next Prime Minister? Leader of the Independence Party, Bjarni Benediktsson (left) and Pirate Party MP, Birgitta Jónsdóttir (right).

Iceland’s Pirates: A generational thing?

19 Oct 2016 Two parties have for many months been vying for supremacy as Iceland’s most popular political party – the centre-right Independence Party and the open-democracy Pirate Party.

From the Pirate press conference yesterday.

Iceland’s Pirates gun for anti-government grand alliance

17 Oct 2016 Iceland’s Pirate Party (‘Píratar’) has issued an up-front refusal to work with either of the two current governing parties after the next elections – in a move unprecedented in Icelandic political history.

Iceland election LATEST: seven parties set to return MPs

12 Oct 2016 The latest opinion polls for Iceland’s upcoming general elections continue to give mixed messages as regards which party is likely to secure first place.

Iceland’s Finance Minister shoots down idea of ‘basic income’

30 Sep 2016 The idea of an unconditional ‘basic income’ to all citizens is being actively looked into by Iceland’s Pirate Party and is also under discussion in countries across the world, including Finland.




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