The church landing.

Church from Above

News Tagged with “Religion”
Welcome to Sunday school at your church, the text reads.

Big-Breasted Jesus Causes Controversy

14 Sep 2020 An advertisement from the National Church of Iceland, encouraging children to attend Sunday school, caused quite a controversy over the weekend.

Guðbjörg, during Sunday's service, wearing the spiked strap.

Spreads Love with Spikes and Hatari Lyrics

14 May 2019 A highly innovative and bold minister in South Iceland has found a way to connect with her young confirmands.

The Ziggurat will be the name of the Zuist temple. This is what it will look like if built.

Iceland's Zuist religion apply for permit to build a temple in Reykjavik

30 May 2018 The Zuist society, founded in 2016 now wish to build a temple in Reykjavik. Leader Águst Arnar Ágústsson says it's been his dream to build a temple since the religion was founded.

In the space of 48 hours, 422 doctors had signed the bill.

Icelandic doctors support ban on circumcision for boys

21 Feb 2018 Over 400 Icelandic doctors have signed a declaration of support for the bill against the circumcision of boys in Iceland except for particular medical reason. They believe that circumcision made without such reason go against the Declaration of Geneva made by doctors.

Brynjar Níelsson, MP for the Independence Party.

Circumcision of boys already punishable in Iceland?

20 Feb 2018 Brynjar Níelsson, high court lawyer and MP for the Independence Party points out on his Facebook page today that circumcision of boys is already punishable by law in Iceland. This comes in wake of the religious stir caused by a bill put forward by MP Silja Dögg Gunnarsdóttir of the Progressive Party recently to ban circumcision of boys.

Members of the Ásatrú religion in Iceland conducting a ceremony for the spirit guardians of Iceland.

Enormous increase in Pagan Ásatrú religion in Iceland

28 Mar 2017 Since 2014 there has been a 50% increase in registered members of the Ásatrú pagan religious movement in Iceland which worships the ancient Norse gods such as Ódin, Thor and Freyja.

Iceland’s Pirates want an end to free land for churches

29 Sep 2016 Iceland’s Pirate Party has put forward official plans to amend a clause in Icelandic law which currently enables religious organisations to get free land to build places of worship.

Sveinn Gestur Tryggvason was accused of threatening behaviour.

“Hatred and nationalist extremism on the rise in Iceland”

16 Aug 2016 Tensions ran high yesterday at a twin demonstration in central Reykjavik by activists showing support for refugees and asylum seekers and members of the right-wing nationalist Icelandic National Front.

Pastor Steven L. Anderson.

“Iceland: a nation of bastards”

27 Apr 2016 Anderson specifically tells listeners that Iceland should be ashamed of the number of Icelandic children not being born into a “normal family situation”.

Pope Francis in St Peter's Square, Vatican City.

Most Icelanders happy with Pope Francis

31 Mar 2016 While 56% of Icelanders view the incumbent Pope positively, just 7% express a negative view. 37% have yet to form an opinion on Francis or declined to answer the question.

The INF's Facebook group logo.

Iceland’s new nationalist political party

2 Mar 2016 Last week saw the emergence of a new party on the Icelandic political scene – in the form of the right-wing, nationalist, pro-Christian, anti-multiculturalism Iceland National Front.


Video: High Chieftain of Ásatrú religion on piss-fermented shark and ram's testicles

26 Jan 2016 Hilmar Örn Hilmarsson, high chieftain of the pagan Ásatrú religion in Iceland spoke to Iceland Monitor about the origins of the traditional Þorrablót festival, taking place all over the country for the next couple of weeks.

61.9 percent believe that the world was created in the Big Bang.

17.2 % of Icelanders believe in the creation story

14 Jan 2016 A new survey gives an insight into the faith of Icelanders. In the survey, 68% of Icelanders consider themselves to be Christian but 43.4% doubt the existence of God but believe in Christian values. 17.7 percent of Icelanders believe in the creation story.

Several ideas have been aired about a Zuist temple in Reykjavik, including this golden pyramid in Vatnsmýri.

Over 3000 Icelanders turn to Zuist religion

8 Jan 2016 In a report by the National Registry of Iceland it appears that 3,176 Icelanders left the National Church of Iceland last year to join the Zuist religion.

High Chieftain Hilmar Örn Hilmarsson on the left at an Ásatrú ceremony.

Pagans pestered by foreign press

1 Jan 2016 The Ásatrú religious society in Iceland has, according to high chieftain Hilmar Örn Hilmarsson, been disturbed greatly by foreign tourists, foreign press and foreign scholars this year.




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