Two Icelanders are under arrest in Melbourne.

Two Icelanders arrested in Australia for smuggling cocaine

News Tagged with “Drugs in Iceland”
Hólavallagarður cemetary: a marijuana smoking hot spot it seems.

Pot smoking in Reykjavik cemetary becomes a problem

24 Oct 2018 The manager of the old cemetary in the city centre of Reykjavik says that people smoking marijuana in broad daylight there is becoming an increasing problem.

Cocaine addiction in Iceland is increasing.

Increase in Icelandic teenagers using crack cocaine

7 Oct 2018 Chief patrol officer at the Reykjavik Metropolitan Police Guðmundur Fylkisson said speaking to that teenagers aged 15-17 are increasingly smoking crack cocaine. "This young group of kids are reckless enough to try anything.

More hard drugs confiscated than before

31 Aug 2018 “Just like last year, we’re seeing mainly hard drugs, and at the same time, we’re seeing less cannabis.”

The cannabis was being grown at a private home in Þykkvibær.

Cannabis plantation discovered in South Iceland

13 Apr 2018 A large cannabis plantation was seized by police in the town of Þykkvabær in South Iceland last week. They seized 322 flowering plants, 16 kilos of cannabis leaves and seven million ISK in cash.

An X-ray showing the man's intentestines and stomach carrying a kilo of cocaine.

X-ray of man who tried to smuggle one kilo of cocaine into Iceland

18 Jan 2018 The Reykjanes police department, in the region of Keflavik International Airport, seized just over 42 kilos of hard drugs in 46 drug smuggling cases in 2017. One man tried to smuggle one kilo of cocaine internally.

Magdalena Sigurðardóttir is now a counsellor for women with drug and alcohol dependence.

Icelandic woman slept in a garbage dumpster next to a rat and her young

12 Jan 2018 Magdalena Sigurðardóttir had spent three nights in a garbage dumpster next to a rat and her young when she realised she had hit rock botton. She had been battling alcohol and drug addiction for fourteen years and had lost everything.

Heroin has still not appeared on the Icelandic market but if it does and when it does that will be considered a turning point.

Dozens of Icelanders have died from opiate overdoses in last three years

24 Oct 2017 The office of the National Commissioner of the Icelandic Police believe that consumption of strong drugs in Iceland will increase in the next few years. Consumption of opiates hs increased considerably and has taken the lives of dozens of people in the last three years.




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