Áfram stelpur!  The women's strike ten years ago.

Icelandic women to go on strike at 2:55 today

News Tagged with “Feminism”
Young women's frustration with the patriarchy broke out with the #freethenipple movement in 2015. Women flocked to the streets and even to work with bare chests or no bras.

Young Icelandic women "fed up with the patriarchy"

4 Jun 2018 Even though Iceland has been touted internationally as a sort of "paradise for equal rights" a new Ph.D. thesis by Ásta Jóhannsdóttir points to something different.

Stelpur rokka! (Girls Rock! Iceland) is a volunteer-run non-profit organization working to empower girls, trans boys, gender queer and intersex youth through music.

Stelpur rokka! proudly present:Music Empowerment Mobility and Exchange, a European Rock Camp and Conference!

31 May 2018 Stelpur rokka or Girl's Rock introduce the Music Empowerment Mobility Exchange (MEME), a collaborative European project which empowers youth to engage in music making and community building.

Icelandic Prime Minister Katrín Jakobsdóttir is on a sign at Times Square.

Iceland's PM Katrín Jakobsdóttir adorns Times Square

14 Mar 2018 Katrín Jakobsdóttir, Prime Minister of Iceland is the subject on a huge advertisment on Times Square in New York. The advert is for the project "Decade of Women" by Ralph Reutimann and Amber Nyström.

Guðni Th. Jóhannesson, President of Iceland.

Icelandic President speaks about #metoo

7 Feb 2018 "Hopefully we are at a turning point. Stop, this is as far as this goes, is what's heard all over the world," said President Guðni Th. Jóhannesson on a conference on the influence of #metoo on corporate culture at Grand Hotel today.

Prime Minister Katrín Jakobsdóttir, to the right,at Grand Hotel this morning where the meeting took place.

Iceland's politicians meet about the #metoo movement

22 Jan 2018 Iceland's political parties had a cross-party breakfast meeting this morning to discuss the #metoo movement and how they could rectify the imbalance of power between the sexes. The meeting was titled, #metoo - what's next?

The Reykjavik Slut Walk in 2017 where thousands of people marched for victims of sexual abuse.

"It was the voices of women that collapsed the government"

15 Sep 2017 The Icelandic government collapsed because women spoke out, reads a statement by the Icelandic Women's Rights Association. "Society no longer has patience towards a system that protects offenders and doesn't care about victims."

Icelandic women photographed in warm natural pools in Iceland.

Icelandic women speak about about body image

10 Aug 2017 Lifestyle website Refinery 29 published an article recently on how Icelandic women feel about their bodies and the bodies of other women.

Thousands attended the 2017 Reykjavik Slut Walk.

Reykjavik Slut Walk draws great crowds on Saturday

30 Jul 2017 The Reykjavik Slut Walk took place in Reykjavik yesterday afternoon. Thousands rallied to support the cause: to put an end to sexual violence, shame the perpetrators and not the victims and to press for changes in the judicial system with regards to sexual crimes.

Women "have to be better at smiling, being calm, being careful, being more attractive, being grateful, being natural, keeping their man, asking for help" are among the things written on the bus.

Feminist bus wins best bus design contest in Reykjavik

4 Jul 2017 A contest was organised by the Strætó bus company where anyone could send in a design for a bus. The winner was Lena Margrét Aradóttir who made a feminist statement.

This guy won't take no for an answer and insists on sending a dick pick.

Icelandic Instagram account confronts "dick pic" guys

16 Feb 2017 Guys sending women unsolicited "dickpics" is as much of a problem in Iceland as it is elsewhere and now a man and a woman have set up an Instagram page called "Fávitar" (Idiots) to call them out.

A message from Icelandic girls

14 Feb 2017 The sensational winning act of Skrekkur 2015, a Reykjavik school talent contest, has been released once again in a brand new stunning video with the same thought provoking message.

Laugardalslaug geothermal swimming pool in Reykjavik.

Topless guests welcome in Reykjavik swimming pools

16 Jan 2017 Following news of a woman being shown out of a pool in the small town of Akranes in Iceland, the directors of the City of Reykjavik sports and recreation department have confirmed that guests of the city's swimming pool are welcome whether they wear a top or not as part of their swimwear ensemble.

Jaðarsbakkalaug swimming pool in  Akranes, South West Iceland.

Topless woman shown out of Iceland pool: Whatever happened to free the nipple?

16 Jan 2017 A student at the University of Iceland was told to leave the pool in the small town of Akranes on Saturday for swimming without a bikini top. Apparently the town of Akranes isn't quite with it on the Free the Nipple revolution that took place in Iceland two years ago.

Volcanoes, skyr and the Panama Papers: a 2016 Iceland retrospective

1 Jan 2017 As the new year begins, Iceland Monitor takes a look back over 2016 and some of its most popular news stories for each month. Which is your favourite?

View on Iceland: John Grant, Equality and Elves

10 Dec 2016 Once you’ve finished browsing Iceland Monitor’s wide selection of news, events and features, you might like to have a look at some other Iceland-related material from around the world that we shall be collecting for you weekly.


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