Naming Committee Approves ‘Magma’

News Tagged with “Icelandic Naming Committee”
A list of Icelandic names.

Icelandic Woman Allowed to Be 'Woman'

23 Aug 2021 “This is a small victory, but to me, it is an important one.”

Minister of Justice Áslaug Arna Sigurbjörnsdóttir.

Will Icelandic Naming Committee Be Abolished?

14 Oct 2020 Iceland has long been known for its Naming Committee.

Prime Minister Katrín Jakobsdóttir.

Gender Autonomy Act Applauded

21 Jun 2019 Alþingi, the Icelandic parliament, approved a gender autonomy act this week.

Carlsberg and Danski are perhaps just too Danish as names?

Boy's name Carlsberg banned by Icelandic naming committee

7 Feb 2019 The famous Icelandic naming committee which decrees which new given names in Iceland are allowed or not have said no to names Carlsberg and Danski as well as Nasha , Javi and Nanyore.

Ladý is a name derived from the English word Lady, and who knows, possibly Lady Gaga was an inspiration.

Name Lady rejected by Icelandic naming committee for the second time

28 Nov 2018 The Icelandic naming committee, who review all new names not on the register to be given to babies have now rejected a demand to name a baby girl Ladý. This is the second time that the given name Ladý is rejected.

Names in Iceland have to get a green light from the naming committee.

Icelandic naming committee: Yes to Luis and no to Pírati

11 Apr 2018 The Icelandic Naming Committee have issued a new ruling for name applications.

Icelandic babies are receiving more international names.

Iceland's most popular names are international ones: Alexander and Emilía

18 Dec 2017 Alexander is the most popular name for baby boys in 2016, followed by Aron and Mikael. The most popular baby name for girls was Emilía followed by Emma and Elísabet. One could say therefore that there is a strong trend for international names that are, well, more pronouncable than traditional Icelandic ones.

A baby girl at the maternity ward in Reykjavik.

That strange naming committee strikes again: Ariel allowed, Zion rejected

9 Nov 2017 New rulings by the Icelandic naming committee allow the girl's names Ariel, Alíana, Alísa and Selina but reject the names Zion and Roar for boys.

Girls in Iceland can now be called Angelina, but Brad would undoubtedly be a no-no.

Angelina passes with the Icelandic naming committee

22 Sep 2016 Iceland’s famous naming committee, the committee responsible for ruling on permissible Icelandic first names, has voted yes on the girl's name Angelina.

Icelandic filmmaker Ragnar Hanson is a huge Sigourney Weaver fan and named his little daughter Ripley in honour of the female protagonist of the Alien film series.

Sigourney Weaver is in Iceland- and meets a little Icelandic girl named Ripley

29 Apr 2016 Numerous reports claim that actress Sigourney Weaver is currently in Iceland, and no report is sweeter than the one by film maker Ragnar Hanson who met Weaver by chance in downtown Reykjavik yesterday and made a date with her to meet his little daughter- Ripley.


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