
Strikes 2015

Photo: Þorvaldur Örn Kristmundsson

Rio Tinto strike called off

2 Dec 2015 “Bringing smeltering operations to a halt would be “pointless” and would give Rio Tinto the excuse they are looking for to shut the plant down all together.”

Photo: Ómar Óskarsson

Aluminium plant threatened with strike

1 Dec 2015 Workers at the Rio Tinto Alcan aluminium smelter in Straumsvík, South-West Iceland, could come out on strike from tomorrow if no solution is found to a row over working conditions.

Photo: Eggert Jó­hann­es­son

Pay deal struck, strike called off

28 Oct 2015 A deal struck between the Icelandic State and three Iceland public-servant unions in the early hours of this morning has averted further crippling strike action.

Strikes are taking their toll.

National hospital under strike strain

20 Oct 2015 “The hospital has been paralysed for a whole year by strike after strike. It is a mercy that nothing serious has happened,” says the CEO of the hospital.

Scenes such as this were seen at KEF this morning.

Strike misery continues into today

20 Oct 2015 Talks between the State and civil-servant unions yesterday failed to yield any resolution and strike action continues into its fourth day today.

SFR and SLFÍ members outside Government Offices in Reykjavik this morning.

Civil servants on strike again

19 Oct 2015 Despite some progress in talks over the weekends, some 3,600 public servants have again walked out on a second wave of strike action.

Police are unhappy about pay.

Police staging second ‘sickie strike’?

16 Oct 2015 A large number of police officers have called in sick again today, in what it believed to be unofficial strike action over pay and work conditions

Photo: Eva Björk Ægisdóttir

STRIKE: No deal likely today

15 Oct 2015 While the negotiating parties are reportedly working hard on certain “ideological and methodological issues”, there is great difference of opinion and talks are very fragile.

Photo: AFP

Strikes causing KEF flight delays

15 Oct 2015 The delays – affecting many of this morning’s flights – were due to long queues at passport control caused by ongoing strike action among civil servants in Iceland. Passengers are said, on the whole, to have taken the delays with good cheer.

The march was attended by just under half of the country's entire police force.

Iceland police stage demo march over pay

15 Oct 2015 The group of officers marched in line towards the Icelandic Parliament to take part in a demonstration of solidarity with striking civil servants.

Talks yesterday did not succeed in averting the planned strike.

Massive civil servant strike kicks in

15 Oct 2015 As of midnight last night, over 3,500 civil servants in 158 State agencies and institutions have downed tools in coordinated strike action over pay.

Hospital staff will be among the strikers.

STRIKES: extensive disruption expected

14 Oct 2015 A last-ditch attempt to resolve differences will be made at a special meeting convened at 10am this morning, but there appears to be insufficient common ground to expect a breakthrough.

The National Theatre of Iceland on Hverfisgata in central Reykjavik.

Theatre may cancel shows due to strike

13 Oct 2015 All performances at Þjóðleikhúsið, Iceland's National Theatre will be cancelled if the SFR Union of Public Servants goes on strike on Thursday.

It might be a good idea to go to the alcohol store tomorrow if you're planning a party weekend.

All alcohol stores may close due to possible strike

13 Oct 2015 If the Union of Public Servants goes on strike on Thursday, this will mean that the state alcohol shops, Vínbúðin ÁTVR will close Thursday October 15th, Friday October 16th, Monday October 19th and Tuesday October 20th.

President Hollande (left) and PM Camerion (right).

Police ‘sickie strikes’ for VIP visits?

13 Oct 2015 The Icelandic Ministry of Finance believes that Icelandic police are planning more ‘sickie strikes’ when important Heads of State are due and when national law requires them to provide security.




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