Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson.

Former PM Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson to form new party before the elections

24 Sep 2017 Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson, MP for the Progressive Party in Iceland and former PM, involved in the Panama Papers scandal last year, has left the party and is working on forming a new political force before the coming election.

The polls as they appeared in today's Morgunblaðið. The Independence Party is blue and the Left Green Movement is green.

Left Green Movement leads the polls

23 Sep 2017 The Left Green Movement is the largest political party in Iceland acccording to a survey done for Morgunblaðið. The party enjoys 30 % of votes.

The election takes place on October 28th with the Independence Party and Left Green Movement leading the polls right now.

Independence Party and Left Green Movement lead the polls

19 Sep 2017 A new poll conducted by Fréttablaðið, Vísir and Stöð 2 yesterday shows that the Independence Party and the Left Green Movement lead the polls. The parties are equal with 23 percent each of votes if the election were to take place now.

Iceland's Minister of Justice, Sigríður Á Andersen.

Pedophile may have faked letters of recommendation

19 Sep 2017 Two of the men who are noted in documents as having written letters of recommendation for Hjalti Sigurjón Hauksson, a man convicted of raping his stepdaughter almost daily for twelve years, say they were fooled into writing the letters.

Guðni Th. Jóhannesson, President of Iceland, speaking to the press today at Bessastaðir.

President accepts dissolution of Parliament

18 Sep 2017 Iceland's President Guðni Th. Jóhannesson has accepted the request of Prime Minister Bjarni Benediktsson to dissolve the Parliament.

Prime Minister Bjarni Benediktsson.

PM was shocked to hear of father's signature- calls for new elections

15 Sep 2017 "I want to stress that it was a shock for me to hear this. I could never have signed such a letter and I would never have defended such actions," said Prime Minister and Independence Party leader Bjarni Benediktsson moments ago at a press conference on the government collapse referring to a letter signed by his father to restore a pedophile's honour.

Bergur Þór Ingólfsson, actor and director, and father of a woman who was abused by Robert Downey when she was a teenager.

"That trust is long gone." - Interview with father of one of the victims

15 Sep 2017 In the cultural niche of older men, sexual offences are taken lightly, which they should not be, and the fact the government collapses as a result of this discussion about restored honour, proves that," says actor Bergur Þór Ingólfsson. He's the father of one of the victims of Robert Downey, whose honour was restored according to Icelandic law.

Laws for "restored honour" are 77 years old

15 Sep 2017 So what exactly is this legal procedure in Iceland called "restored honour" ? Iceland Monitor finds out in light of the current government scandal.

The Reykjavik Slut Walk in 2017 where thousands of people marched for victims of sexual abuse.

"It was the voices of women that collapsed the government"

15 Sep 2017 The Icelandic government collapsed because women spoke out, reads a statement by the Icelandic Women's Rights Association. "Society no longer has patience towards a system that protects offenders and doesn't care about victims."

Birgitta Jónsdóttir reads the statement of the Pirate Party.

Iceland's Pirate Party calls for new constitution

15 Sep 2017 Pirate Party captain Birgitta Jónsdóttir read a statement imploring other parties in Parliament to respond to the appeal made by Iceland's president to agree to a new draft of the constitution before parliament is dissolved.

Benedikt Jóhannesson, Minister of Finance and leader of the Reform Party.

"Disappointed" - but respects Bright Future's stance

15 Sep 2017 Leader of the Reform Party, Benedikt Jóhannesson says that the fact that Prime Minister Benediktsson was told of his father's involvement in the restoration of honour of one of Iceland's most notorious pedophiles was abnormal. If the matter had been a confidential one to everyone it would have been more natural.

Prime Minister Bjarni Benediktsson is bound to meet with the President of Iceland today, says professor of politics Eirikur Bergmann.

"An extraordinarily weak government" says political expert

15 Sep 2017 Professor Eiríkur Bergmann says that the PM is bound to meet with the President today to give back his mandate. This is the third government coalition in a row to collapse under the lead of the Independence Party.

The current government, which has just collapsed. Elections will most likely take place as soon as possible.

Iceland's government collapses

15 Sep 2017 Leaders of the Bright Future Party have ended their coalition with the Independence Party and its PM Bjarni Benediktsson. The reason: A serious breach of trust within the government.




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