A new majority was announced this morning. Eggertsson is on the far left.

Municipal Elections: Dagur B.Eggertsson remains Mayor of Reykjavik

News Tagged with “Municipal Elections 2018”
Dagur B. Eggertsson borgarstjóri.

New majority formed in Reykjavik City Council

31 May 2018 The Alliance Party, The Left Green Aliance, Pirates and the Reform Party have agreed to begin coalition talks for a new majority in the Reykjavik City Council.

Sanna Magdalena Mörtudóttir, council chairwoman for the Socialist Party.

Socialist Party announce decision to not participate in coalition negotiations

30 May 2018 Sanna Magdalena Mörtudóttir, new city councillor for the Socialist Party and deputy city councillor Daníel Örn Arnarsson made a media announcement late last night saying that they would not participate in negotiations to form a majority in the Reykjavik city council.

Dagur B. Eggertsson

Municipal Elections: Coalition talks underway

28 May 2018 Mayor Dagur B.Eggertsson has ruled out any kind of coalition with Eyþór Arnalds of the Independence Party. He says that parties are talking already and that things will become clearer in the first half of this week.

Sanna Magdalena Mörtudóttir is 26 years old and the youngest person to be elected into city council.

"Women and people of mixed race need to have more visibility in Iceland"

27 May 2018 Sanna Magda­lena Mörtu­dótt­ir, leader of the Socialist Party in Reykjavik has secured a seat on the City Council in yesterday's election. The Socialist Party did very well in the elections and received 6.4 percent of votes. Mörtudóttir is the youngest person ever to to be elected into city council and also the first mixed race woman to be on city council.

Current Mayor Dagur B. Eggertsson of the Alliance Party and Independence Party Mayor candidate Eyþór Arnalds .

Independence Party gets largest number of votes in Reykjavik

27 May 2018 Votes in the municipal elections were counted last night and the Independence Party gained the largest number of votes and eight seats at the Reykjavik city council. The Alliance Party received seven seats. The Reform Party holds a key position in whether the Alliance Party or the Independence Party will lead the city council and hold the seat of Mayor.

Municipal elections: More voters than four years ago

26 May 2018 More voters have voted in Reykjavik than in the last election four year ago. At 5 pm 33.020 people had voted which is 1.547 more than four years ago.




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