A rare sight in downtown Reykjavík.

Horses on the Road in Reykjavík

News Tagged with “Horses”

Biotech Firm Ísteka’s Operating License Renewed for 16 Years

18 Jan 2022 The Environment Agency of Iceland has decided to renew the operating license of the biotech firm Ísteka ehf., which produces hormonal drugs for sows from the blood of pregnant mares.

Biotech Firm Plans to Increase Monitoring of Blood Extraction from Pregnant Mares

13 Dec 2021 The biotech firm Ísteka is planning extensive improvements in terms of monitoring the extraction of blood from pregnant mares in Iceland.

Video About Blood Mares in Iceland Causes Great Concern

23 Nov 2021 The Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority (MAST) is examining a video, made by AWF/TSB (Ani­mal Welfare Foundati­on/Tierschutzbund Zürich), showing blood being extracted from pregnant mares in Iceland.

The twin foals, in the company of one of the surrogate mares, Rauðka from Barð.

Surrogate Mares Give Birth to Twin Foals

23 May 2021 Two surrogate mares recently gave birth to foals that are twins.

Bjarni Páll Vilhjálmsson.

Ready for 50-Day Horseback Riding Adventure

20 Sep 2020 Bjarni Páll Vilhjálmsson, who runs an equestrian tourism business at Saltvík farm, near Húsavík, North Iceland, is planning to offer a 50-day tour on horseback around Iceland next summer..

Rescue worker, digging up a carcass after the storm.

December Storm Killed more than 100 Horses

11 Jan 2020 More than 100 horses perished in the violent storm that hit North Iceland in December.

Violent Storm Kills Dozens of Icelandic Horses

18 Dec 2019 The violent storm that hit Iceland last week killed dozens of horses.

Farmer Haraldur Þór Jóhannsson, a.k.a. Halli í Enni, busy at the roundup.

Better Avoid Brennivín at Horse Roundup

27 Sep 2019 The roundup of horses in Iceland is now in full swing.

Day of Icelandic Horse Tomorrow

30 Apr 2019 Tomorrow, May 1, Icelandic horse owners will be celebrating the International Day of the Icelandic Horse all around Iceland.

This incredible cute video is putting smiles on Icelandic faces today.

Unique friendship between toddler and Icelandic foal

14 Dec 2016 A video of a four-year-old boy and a foal has gone viral in Iceland as it shows a pretty unique friendship. The boy, Þórður Bragi, and the foal Kuggur cuddle, play and run around together.

VIDEO: Icelandic horses and Northern Lights

5 Dec 2016 Regular Iceland Monitor reader Olivier Staiger has sent in his latest Iceland-inspired artistic creation – a video combining footage of the majestic Icelandic horse and the haunting beauty of the Northern Lights.

View on Iceland: Longevity, Viking Horses and Mosquitoes

5 Nov 2016 Once you finished browsing Iceland Monitor’s wide selection of news, events and features, you might like to have a look at some other Iceland-related material from around the world that we shall be collecting for you weekly.

View on Iceland: Democracy, Horses and Doing Business

3 Sep 2016 Once you finished browsing Iceland Monitor’s wide selection of news, events and features, you might like to have a look at some other Iceland-related material from around the world that we shall be collecting for you weekly.

Riding a horse in the "skeið" or flying pace is considered very fine horsemanship.

The "flying" gait of the Icelandic horse researched

12 Aug 2016 New research conducted in cooperation with Scandinavian universities sheds new light on the origins of the Icelandic horse.

In older times, the blue-eyed horses were considered ugly, or ghost-like, and were known as the glass eyed horses.

The incredible blue-eyed horses of Iceland

12 Jun 2016 The extraordinary beauty of the blue-eyed splashed white horses of Hindisvík in Iceland caught the eye of photographer Gígja Einarsdóttir whose passion is photographing horses. This colourpattern has existed in Iceland for centuries but the blue, or "glass" eyes were considered ugly in earlier times.




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