From Öxnadalsheiði mountain pass this morning.

Snow and Poor Visibility on Mountain Roads

News Tagged with “Mountain roads”
An archive photo. Not the best weather for camping in the mountains today.

Snow on Mountain Roads

3 Jun 2019 The Icelandic Met Office forecasts sleet or snow on mountain roads in Northeast Iceland and East Iceland today, including Fjarðarheiði mountain pass.

Snow in Fjarðarheiði mountain pass.

Difficult Road Conditions Possible

29 May 2019 June is around the corner, and we thought summer was here, but winter is reluctant to leave.

From Landmannalaugar.

Road to Landmannalaugar Opens

24 May 2019 Mountain roads in Iceland are opening, one by one, these days.

Nýidalurvalley in Sprengisandur, a large highland desert in central Iceland.

Sprengisandur desert road opened this morning

29 Jun 2018 Mountain road F26 across Sprengisandur opened this morning. Last week, the mountain roads of Landmannalaugar and Fimmvörðuháls opened.

Rescue teams working at Vesturlandsvegur this weekend.

Tourists can't be blamed for not checking weather forecasts if locals don't

13 Feb 2018 Over three hundred SAR team members were hard at work getting cars unstuck during the storms that hit Iceland this weekend. A great number of them were driven by tourists. Half of the problem, is however, Icelanders themselves.

The grey areas show the parts of the highlands that are still closed.

First Icelandic mountain tracks have been opened for summer

15 Jun 2017 Most of the tracks over the Icelandic highlands are only open during the summer months. The spring weather has been good in Iceland and many of them have already opened, though not all.

Iceland highlands difficult to pass

13 Sep 2016 According to the Iceland Road Administration, the highland road F910 or at least the part from Sprengisandsvegur to Holuhran is difficult to pass due to snowfall.

All mountain roads closed in Iceland - and will remain so for a while!

13 May 2016 All mountain roads in Iceland are still closed due to snow and they will not be opening anytime soon according to the Iceland Road Administration.


Light rain


5 °C

Clear sky

Later today

6 °C



6 °C