Reykjanes peninsula, seen from a satellite on Saturday. To the left of center, you can see that lava still melts the ice (black spot).

Inflation Continues on Reykjanes Peninsula

News Tagged with “Geology”
From the eruption site by Fagradalsfjall, Southwest Iceland.

Is ‘Icelandia’ Hidden Under Iceland?

9 Jul 2021 Is there a sunken continent hidden under Iceland?

Surtsey island. The assistants will take pictures from the air.

Scientists and Flying Assistants to Surtsey

9 Jul 2019 A group of scientists will be traveling to Surtsey island later this month, bringing along two flying assistants, one of them winged.


Space habitats tested out in Iceland

17 Sep 2018 Many factors point to the most viable habitats for people on planets other than Earth being in underground caves. Company 4th Planet logistics have now been working on ways to map out and construct caves on the Moon and on Mars. This work has been done in Stefánshellir cave in Hallmundarhraun in Iceland.

Geothermal heat in Hveradalir, in Kerlingarfjöll mountains in the central highlands.

Iceland's geography- a volatile mixture of volcanic and seismic activity

14 Apr 2018 Formed roughly 25 million years ago, Iceland is situated where two of the world’s biggest tectonic plates, the Eurasian and North American, literally pull apart in the North Atlantic Ocean.

Dust storms coming from Mýrdalssandur sand flat yesterday.

Iceland dust plumes reach hundreds of kilometres out to sea

25 Apr 2017 A MODIS image published by NASA yesterday shows enormous dust plumes in Iceland reaching severeal kilometres out into the Atlantic ocean. The dust originates from Mýrdalssandur and Meðallandssandur sand flats.




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