14 Jun 2021Skipuleggjendur Ólympíuleikanna í Tókýó hyggjast gefa 150.000 smokka á leikunum í næsta mánuði. Þeir hvetja þó keppendur til að nota þá frekar heima en í ólympíuþorpinu, þar sem samkomutakmarkanir og sóttvarnaaðgerðir eru í hávegum hafðar.
20 Aug 2015A man in custody since last month on suspicion on infecting women in Iceland with HIV has been released from custody and served with a four-month travel ban.
28 Jul 2015Police now have grounds to believe that the man currently in custody on suspicion on infecting women in Iceland with HIV did indeed know that he was HIV+.
27 Jul 2015The man currently held in custody by police on suspicion of having infected women with HIV had not duly submitted a medical certificate and was not known to medical authorities until recently.
24 Jul 2015The man arrested yesterday on the suspicion of having infected numerous young women with the HIV virus claims that he did not know that he was HIV positive. The man is an asylum seeker in Iceland.
24 Jul 2015According to Morgunblaðið sources, two women have been diagnosed with HIV and over a dozen more are awaiting results in the case where a man was arrested yesterday on the suspicion of infecting them.