
Skaftá glacier river flood

Benedikt Jóhannesson fjármálaráðherra afhendir Þorsteini Gunnarssyni, sveitarstjóra Skútustaðahrepps, bréfið.

Ekki starfstjórnar að ræða við hreppinn

19 Oct 2017 Benedikt Jóhannesson, fjármálaráðherra afhenti í dag sveitarstjórn Skútustaðahrepps bréf fjármála- og efnahagsráðherra og umhverfis- og auðlindaráðherra um umbætur í fráveitumálum sveitarfélagsins. Segir þar að starfsstjórn þyki ekki rétt að fara í viðræður við hreppinn fyrr en að loknum kosningum.

Eldhraun lava field post-flood.

Glacier flood poses environmental threat

18 Nov 2015 Flood waters inundated 60 km2 of farmland and inhabited areas in South Iceland early last month. There are now concerns that the sediment left behind could cause sand storms and dust pollution.

The bridge's support structure exposed.

Glacier flood bridge reopened

10 Nov 2015 The bridge seriously damaged by the Skaftá glacier river flood in early October has now been reopened to light traffic.

Photo: Rax / Ragnar Axelsson

Glacier river flood state of alert lifted

15 Oct 2015 The National Commissioner of Icelandic Police and the South Iceland police force have today, in consultation with scientists, decided to lift the state of alert in place since 30 September.

The flood was the biggest on record and caused widespread damage.

PM to visit glacier flood zone

6 Oct 2015 Icelandic Prime Minister, Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson, is today visiting the area hit by the extensive glacier flood of the Skaftá river in South Iceland last week.

PHOTOS: Biggest Skaftá flood ever

PHOTOS: Biggest Skaftá flood ever

5 Oct 2015 At its peak, water flows reached 3,000 m3/s, over double the previous record for a comparable event in Skaftá.

The bridge's support structure exposed.

Flood bridge hanging by a thread

5 Oct 2015 Traffic is still closed over a bridge in South Iceland after flood water from the Skaftá glacier river flood ripped away a large section of river bank under the eastern end of the bridge.

The mighty river, black with mud, gushes over the grassy banks.

PHOTOS: Glacier river flood damage

2 Oct 2015 The Skaftá glacier river flood is now making itself well felt in areas of South Iceland.

Myndskeið frá íþróttadeild

VIDEO: See the Skaftá river flood

2 Oct 2015 As can be seen from this video, the water has become very grey. The river has already broken through one protective wall and cut off the road into Skaftárdalur valley.

Photo: Þor­vald­ur Örn Krist­munds­son

Glacier flood may reach national ring road

1 Oct 2015 The Iceland Met Office predicts that the river could flood over the national ring road (Route 1) where the river flows under the road to Eldhraun.

Photo: Þorvaldur Örn Kristmundsson

Skaftá flood: “This could be very big”

1 Oct 2015 You can follow the dramatic changes occurring in Skaftá river due to the glacier river flood currently under way on the Icelandic Met Office website.

A flood of the Skaftá glacier river has begun.

Flood to reach populated areas by midday

1 Oct 2015 The flood water contains potentially harmful hydrogen dioxide and crevasses may quickly appear around the eastern cauldron, from which the water is flowing.

Skaftárjökull glacier.

LIVE: Follow the sinking ice cap

30 Sep 2015 The ice cap covering the eastern cauldron of Skaftá has sunk by over 10 m in less than three days, as water floods out of the cauldron into the Skaftá river.

Photos: Skaftárhlaup glacial river flood through the years

Photos: Skaftárhlaup glacial river flood through the years

30 Sep 2015 The glacial river floods known as Skaftárhlaup began in 1955 although testimonies of older occurrences exist. From 1955 there have been fifty floods in the Skaftá river, amounting to almost one per year.

Skaftá flood water in 2010.

Glacier river flood: alert level raised

30 Sep 2015 The banks of the Skaftá river will experience flooding over the next few days and flood water may take over nearby roads.




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