These fans of the band Hatari, representing Iceland at Eurovision, insist that life does have a purpose, despite Hatari's lyrics.

Life Has Purpose, Hatari Fans Insist

News Tagged with “Eurovision boycott?”
Matthew Tan.

Young man from Singapore does Hatari cover

11 Mar 2019 Matthew Tan from Singapore has made an impressive cover of Hatari's song Hate will prevail, or Hatrið mun sigra, Iceland's contribution to the Eurovision Song Contest. His Icelandic is actually very impressive.

Hatari are already receiving strong criticism in the Israeli press.

"Europe will look into a mirror"

4 Mar 2019 Hatari, the cyber goth-techno band that will be representing Iceland at the Eurovision song say the next step in their plan is to present Hatari and their views to Israeli media. Hatari has already received strong criticism in the Israeli press.

Páll Óskar, one of Iceland's most beloved singers and contender of Eurovison 1997 urges Icelanders to boycott the contest in Israel.

Over twenty thousand Icelanders now want to boycott Eurovision Song Contest in Israel

17 May 2018 Over twenty thousand Icelanders have now signed the petition set up on Monday to demand that Iceland boycott the Eurovision Song Contest which will take place in Israel in 2019 by not taking part.


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