Only the foundation remains.

Grímsey Church Destroyed by Fire

News Tagged with “Islands”
From Flatey island.

Flatey Chosen World’s Best Island

7 Oct 2019 Flatey island, in Breiðafjörður fjord, West Iceland, is the best island in the world.

Immerse yourself in nature on a secluded island retreat where you hear nothing except the wind blowing through the grass.

Sleep in a Mongolian Yurt on a magical island in Iceland's largest glacial river

13 May 2017 Hákon Kjalar Hjördísarson decided to make a change to his life and move back to a place of enchanted childhood memories, a tiny island called Traustholtshólmi in the Þjórsá river in Iceland. Now, he offers tours to the island with an overnight stay in a Mongolian Yurt and a delicious wild salmon dinner included.


Video: Life on a tiny remote island in Iceland

27 Mar 2017 "I don‘t feel as though I‘m isolated here, it doesn‘t annoy me. If the weather is bad I can‘t go anywhere but that‘s just fine. It doesn‘t bother me at all," says Svavar Baldursson, farmer on the island of Vigur in the straits of Ísafjörður in the West Fjords.


Partly cloudy


-3 °C

Partly cloudy

Later today

-1 °C

Light sleet


1 °C

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