The map of unpronounceable place names.

„Klofalækjarkjaftur“ - can you pronounce these Icelandic place names?

24 Jan 2018 A map published by writer Alda Sigmundsdóttir has been widely shared in the past few days. It contains some of the most bizarre, and unpronounceable place names of Iceland. Fancy a try?

One of Reykjavik's stranger tourist attractions.

Penises of every shape and size at Reykjavik's Penis Museum

15 Jan 2018 Travel blogger Joe Goes paid a visit to Reykjavik's famous Phallological Museum and shared his findings with viewers.


"Majority of Icelandic women are whores"

13 Dec 2017 Baptist preacher Steven L.Anderson seems to really hate Icelanders. He just sent our publication a tape where makes a long speech on what's wrong with Icelanders, the main culprit being fornication. The film was also uploaded on YouTube where it has received 22 thousand views.

This dead little fellow was found in a salad by a rather surprised customer.

Man finds dead rodent in salad at Reykjavik restaurant

19 Sep 2017 A man who ordered a salad this weekend at a restaurant in Reykjavik was surprised to find a dead rodent in his meal.

Slökkvilið höfuborgarsvæðisins.

False alarm for Reykjavik Fire Department as Finnish man lights sauna

29 Dec 2016 The Reykjavik Fire Department was called out to a residence in central Reykjavik yesterday as smoke had appeared from a garden shed. It turned out that a Finnish gentleman had been testing out his newly built sauna.


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