Penises of every shape and size at Reykjavik's Penis Museum

One of Reykjavik's stranger tourist attractions.

One of Reykjavik's stranger tourist attractions. Photo/ Icelandic Phallological Museum

Travel blogger Joe Goes paid a visit to Reykjavik's famous Phallological Museum and shared his findings with viewers. 

The Icelandic Phallological Museum is located at the top of Laugavegur shopping street near Hlemmur square. It's probably  the only museum in the world to contain a collection of phallic specimens belonging to all the various types of mammal found in a single country. 

Phallology is an ancient science which, until recent years, has received very little attention in Iceland, except as a borderline field of study in other academic disciplines such as history, art, psychology, literature and other artistic fields like music and ballet. 

The Icelandic Phallological Museum contains a collection of more than two hundred penises and penile parts belonging to almost all the land and sea mammals that can be found in Iceland. Visitors to the museum will encounter fifty-five specimens belonging to sixteen different kinds of whale, one specimen taken from a rogue polar bear, thirty-six specimens belonging to seven different kinds of seal and walrus, and more than one hundred fifteen specimens originating from twenty different kinds of land mammal: all in all, a total of more than two hundred specimens belonging to forty-six different kinds of mammal, including that of Homo sapiens. 

Besides, there are some twenty-four folklore specimens and over almost fifty foreign ones. Altogether the collection contains 282 specimens from 93 different species of animals. 

In addition to the biological section of the museum, visitors can view a collection of about 350 artistic oddments and practical utensils related to the museum ́s chosen theme. For opening hours, address and more info see their website HERE

See the visit by Joe Goes below. 




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