Fascinating Fagradalsfjall Eruption: Video


Vala Hafstað

Film maker Óskar Páll Sveinsson visited the eruption site on the Reykjanes peninsula, Southwest Iceland, Tuesday, March 23. The eruption in Geldingadalur valley, Fagradalsfjall mountain, began March 19.

Just before Óskar Páll began filming, the weather gods covered the mountains in the background in snow, as if preparing the stage.


“It was impossible not to take a few pictures and try to capture this amazing light,” Óskar Páll states. “It’s hard to describe the amazing feeling of getting this close to an eruption, and possibly, this video manages to capture the atmosphere to some extent.”

When you watch the video, you’ll see the crater spewing fire and the lava with its undulating ropy formations – a so-called pahoehoe lava.

Óskar Páll is used to working under harsh conditions. Last year, he filmed the documentary Against the Current, about Veiga Grétarsdóttir, who paddled 2,000 km around Iceland in a kayak.

To see how quickly the landscape is changing, compare this video with the livestream from Fagradalsfjall mountain. You’ll be surprised by the change in such a short time.




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