Reykjavík Mayor Dagur B. Eggertsson was the flag-bearer of the parade.

Proud of Pride Parade

News Tagged with “Reykjavik Pride”
Hallgrímskirkja church is at the top of the street.

Gay for Good

16 Aug 2019 Skólavörðustígur, one of the streets in downtown Reykjavík, has been painted in rainbow colors – for good.

In 2016, the steps in front of Menntaskólinn í Reykjavík junior college were painted in celebration of Reykjavík Pride.

Reykjavík Pride Opens Today

8 Aug 2019 Reykjavík Pride (Hinsegin dagar) takes place August 8-17, with various events planned throughout the city.

Reykjavik Pride begins today

7 Aug 2018 Reykjavik Pride begins today and at noon, Mayor Dagur B.Eggertsson helped the directors of the festival to paint rainbow colours on the central street of Skólavörðustígur.

Thousands participate in Reykjavik Pride Parade

12 Aug 2017 It's a beautiful sunny day in Reykjavik and a great number of people are participating in the Reykjavik Pride Parade.

The directors of Reykjavik Pride and Mayor Dagur B. Eggertsson.

Rainbow painted for Reykjavik Pride

9 Aug 2017 Reykjavik Pride Week began yesterday with a rainbow being painted in the walkway to the City Hall in Reykjavik.

The popcorn is supposedly made by unicorns.

Omnom rainbow popcorn for free tomorrow

8 May 2017 Iceland‘s fanciest chocolate brand Omnom are giving away their brand new rainbow chocolate popcorn tomorrow at their store. The popcorn is in different colours with different flavourings and is supposedly made by unicorns.




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