23 Mar 2016Australian photographer Sorelle Amore recently published a series of photographs where she wears a bikini in the Icelandic snow. Amore can be seen in a variety of poses: playing golf, tanning, vacuum cleaning, painting and washing her car.
18 Jan 2016Heather D. Linnett hails from Australia but she has travelled more around Iceland than most people. She estimates that she has accumulated over 50 thousand kilometres in her travels in Iceland alone
11 Jan 2016Fenrir Nr 26, produced by Borg Brugghús, has been selected by new Australian book World’s Wackiest Brews as one of the sixty most curiously brewed beers in the world.
27 Jul 2015CEO of Hvalur, Kristján Loftsson, has told Australian media that, far from opposing whaling, the country should begin hunting the “nuisance” animals itself.