From the protest.

Thousands Protest in Austurvöllur

News Tagged with “Protest”
Protests have gone on since Monday in front of Parliament in Iceland.

The protests continue: The government must go

7 Apr 2016 Yet again, a considerable amount of protesters flocked to Austurvöllur parliament square in Reykjavik to demand immediate elections. Protesters are not happy about yesterday's turn of events which involved the government staying in power and Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson being replaced by a new PM from the Progressive Party.

Iceland is a banana republic, according to German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeit­ung

Iceland: a nation run by charlatans?

7 Apr 2016 “The government will continue working on the same major projects it has been working on – and has achieved great success in,” says new PM Sigurður Ingi Jóhannsson.




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