An Icelandic man, although fully clothed, at Reynisfjara beach in South Iceland.

Magazine featuring naked Icelandic men becomes a bestseller

2 Nov 2017 Gay Iceland reports that the Reykjavik issue of photography, culture and travel publication ELSKA is getting its sixth reprint.

Daniel Cunningham offers lap-dance healing to members of the audience.

Gay shamanic striptease at Kiki bar tonight

24 Aug 2017 South African artist Daniel P.Cunningham and British born artist Mark J.Hamilton will be performing a gay strip tease tonight in Reykjavik in what they call Queer-Punk performance art and a Shamanic striptease.

The agency accepted the first registration from an Icelander, a woman, in January.

Gay Icelanders look for partners in India

25 Jul 2017 The only international agency for arranged gay marriages is operated from India and currently has 26 people of Icelandic ethnicity registered, reports Gay Iceland.


Sleet showers


1 °C

Light snow

Later today

0 °C



3 °C