Swimming Pool Full of Sand: Video

Vala Hafstað

The severe weather that moved across Iceland the night before last caused a sand storm in the village Vík í Mýrdal, South Iceland, mbl.is reports. Black sand from Víkurfjara beach, just east of the popular Reynisfjara beach, blew into the village. When residents woke up yesterday morning, their surroundings looked like they would in the wake of ash fall from a volcanic eruption.

Dark outlook.

Dark outlook. Photo/Jakub Kaźmierczyk

One resident compared what he saw to the scene created in the Netflix series Katla , which occurs following a fictional volcanic eruption in Katla volcano. All the streets were covered in black sand.

Guests who intended to visit the local swimming pool yesterday morning had to be turned away. They may not be able to go swimming until a week from now, since clearing the pool area of sand will likely take that long.

Photo/Jakub Kaźmierczyk

Jakub Kaźmierczyk, who works at the pool, hopes the hot tub and steam bath can be opened sooner, or as soon as the weather improves.

Check out the video above to see what the pool looked like following the sand storm.

Photo/Jakub Kaźmierczyk




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