Reindeer Calves Receive Attention

Enjoying milk from a bottle.

Enjoying milk from a bottle. Photo/Fannar Magnússon

Vala Hafstað

Two reindeer calves, found motherless last spring, have in recent weeks delighted children and tourists in East Iceland, Morgunblaðið reports. The calves were given shelter at the Vínland Guesthouse, near Fellabær village, located across the Lagarfljót river from Egilsstaðir.

“The calves were small and in a very poor state when they were discovered on Fljótsdalsheiði mountain in the spring,” states Björn Magnússon, who used to be a farmer.

Reciprocal admiration.

Reciprocal admiration. Photo/Fannar Magnússon

“I got a phone call, because people know I’ve spent much time in Lapland, herding reindeer, so I received them. They were treated right away by two veterinarians in Egilsstaðir, and in consultation with Múlaþing municipality, we placed them at Vínland, where they remain. They still receive milk from a bottle, and they’re very gentle and friendly.”

The calves have recovered well.

The calves have recovered well. Photo/Fannar Magnússon

The calves, called Garpur and Mosi, have been visited by a number of travelers — Icelandic as well as foreign. “Kids from at least two grades in Fellaskóli grade school have come, and Fellabær preschool has visited twice.” The kids love feeding the calves milk from a bottle.

“Whenever I have the time, I let them out of the fence, take them for a long walk and let them graze, ” Björn adds . When we return, they’re treated with a bottle and cooked rye bread. That way, everyone is content and happy.”

For more pictures of the reindeer, see the Instagram page of Fannar Magnússon.




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