Whale watching underneath the Northern Lights

Travellers in Tromsø, North Norway can enjoy a whalewathing trip …

Travellers in Tromsø, North Norway can enjoy a whalewathing trip on this Icelandic scooner. mbl.is/Árni Sæberg

An Icelandic whale watching boat offers whale watching in the darkness of winter in Northern Norway.

The vessel is a beautiful Icelandic scooner, the Opal, which sets of in the dark of the short Arctic day to look for whales. 

Passengers are then able to see the whales from the light of spotlights. This service has gained quiite a lot of attention in Norway. 

The Opal is run by Icelandic whale-watching company North sailing, based in Húsavík, who have set up a sister company in Norway. A few trips are offered per day: whalewatching in the morning light and whalewatching by night underneath the Northern Lights. 

For more info on North Sailing click here.




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