Mansplaining, the beer

Hrútskýrir one of the more interesting beers of the season.

Hrútskýrir one of the more interesting beers of the season. Photo: Bryggjan brewery

Hrútskýrir is a new beer from Bryggjan brewery. It’s a seasonal beer brewed specially for Þorri, one of the old Icelandic months when Icelanders celebrate Þorrablót and eat a variety of distinctly traditional Icelandic food, that truth be told is rather strange.

The beer is of the German type gose. It’s a relatively sour wheat beer, which is seasoned with Icelandic sea salt and coriander seeds. The beer isn’t strong in the flavour of hops so the sour and salty flavours stand out clear. It is only available at the restaurant/bar Bryggjan, which is a part of the brewery, from 17:30 today until the supply runs out.


The name hrútskýrir is the Icelandic word for mansplaining. To explain a bit further, hrútur means ram in Icelandic, which in this instance is a reference to the season, as ram testicles are a local delicacy enjoyed this time of year. Hrútur can in some cases also refer to a group of men, hence the Icelandic version of the term mansplaining.

Vegan Þorrablót

Bryggjan will not only celebrate Þorri with this beer, but also with a special menu which will be for sale 20-29. January, the first week of Þorri. There you can taste the food Icelanders like to enjoy over this season, some of it with a modern twist. There is even a vegan version of this menu, though if it captures the essence of Þorrablót, where almost every food is some type of meat or another, we do not know.


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