Farmers Herd Sheep to Roundup

The sheep coming from the mountains.

The sheep coming from the mountains.ður Bogi

Vala Hafstað

Farmers in Hrunamannahreppur district, Southwest Iceland, were busy herding their sheep from the mountains early yesterday morning, when the above picture was taken. The district’s pastures cover an area that extends from inhabited areas up to Hofsjökull glacier and Kerlingarfjöll mountains.

For the people who traveled the longest distance to collect the sheep, the trip on horseback took a total of six days, Morgunblaðið reports. Some of them brought extra horses along.

Rain and fog hampered the work of the 38 people who participated in bringing the sheep from the pastures.

Once in the collective fold, the sheep are sorted into compartments – one belonging to each farmer. A total of 3,800 sheep will be at the Hrunarétt roundup today – the lowest number ever. Back in the day, that numer used to be as high as 15,000.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, disease prevention rules must be respected at the roundup, preventing guests from attending. In the past, however, the roundup has been a major social gathering, open to all.




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