Pagans to conduct a solar eclipse ceremony at temple site
Members of the Ásatrú society, pictured here at Öskjuhlíð for their Winter Solstice ceremony in December. Golli / Kjartan Þorbjörnsson
The Ásatrú society in Iceland will be conducting a special pagan ceremony for the solar eclopse tomorrow morning in Öskjuhlíð, Reykjavík at the site of their new temple. This will be accompanied by a groundbreaking ceremony for the new temple which will be the first Ásatrú temple to be built in Europe for a thousand years.
The ceremony will begin at 08.38 at the beginning of the solar eclipse. Candles will be lit for the main directions and sacrifices will be made to the supernatural beings of the area.
When the eclipse reaches a climax at 09.37, a fire will be lit in the temple site and trumpets and drums will sound for the victory of the light.
When the solar eclipse has passed the groundbreaking ceremony will take place and the gathering will be sanctified. Everyone is welcome to the event. will be observing the solar eclipse very closely tomorrow morning.
Update 20.March: