Icelanders are amongst those implicated in the Paradise Papers.

Icelandic names in the Paradise Papers

8 Nov 2017 Amongst the individuals found in the Paradise Papers are the names of Icelandic investors Björgólfur Thor Björgólfsson, Gísli Hjálmtýsson and Róbert Guðfinnsson, as well as a few employess of the National Power Company of Iceland.

Glitnir HoldCo goes forward with injunction on Stundin and Reykjavik Media

23 Oct 2017 Glitnir HoldCo is today bringing legal proceedings before the Reykjavik District Court to secure a confirmation ruling on the injunction placed on Stundin and Reykjavik Media by customers of the collapsed bank. This was confirmed by Ingólfur Hauksson, director of Glintir HoldCo speaking to this morning.

"It is entirely the initiative of Glitnir to place this injunction."

PM had "nothing to do with injunction on media coverage"

18 Oct 2017 Prime Minister Bjarni Benediktsson says to that he neither asked for the injunction on Stundin and Reykjavik Media nor did he play any part in the matter.

The injunction concerns all private dealings of numerous ex clients of Glitnir bank, one of them being Prime Minister Bjarni Benediktsson

No legal action taken yet against The Guardian

17 Oct 2017 Jon Henley, journalist for The Guardian spoke to last night and said that he had not heard anything about an impending injunction on The Guardian with regards to reporting made from documents from the collapsed Glitnir bank.

The Reykjavik District Commissioner accepted the injunction made by Glitnir Hold Co on the news reports.

Journalists blast legal gagging order on paper covering PM's finances

16 Oct 2017 The Reykjavik District Commissioner (Sýslumaður) accepted a demand made by the bankruptcy estate of Glitnir bank to place an injunction on all news coverage made by Stundin and Reykjavik Media based on documents from the collapsed bank.

Former PM Gunnlaugsson alludes to a conspiracy against him.

German Federal Bureau of Investigation passes information on former PM to Icelandic tax authorities

11 Oct 2017 An article in German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung states that the German Federal Bureau of Investigation has passed information to Icelandic tax authorities on matters regarding former PM Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson. This has been confirmed by tax authorities in Iceland. The information is based on investigation of the Panama Papers.

Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson: "There are limits to how long one can endure fabricated accusations."

Former Panama Paper implicated PM to sue Icelandic media

3 Oct 2017 Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson, former PM and former leader of the Progressive Party is preparing to sue three Icelandic media companies for their coverage of his finances and his wife's finances in the so-called Wintris case which led to the government crumbling over a year ago.

Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson.

Former PM Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson to form new party before the elections

24 Sep 2017 Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson, MP for the Progressive Party in Iceland and former PM, involved in the Panama Papers scandal last year, has left the party and is working on forming a new political force before the coming election.

Prime Minister Bjarni Benediktsson is bound to meet with the President of Iceland today, says professor of politics Eirikur Bergmann.

"An extraordinarily weak government" says political expert

15 Sep 2017 Professor Eiríkur Bergmann says that the PM is bound to meet with the President today to give back his mandate. This is the third government coalition in a row to collapse under the lead of the Independence Party.

Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson, MP for the Progressive Party.

Former PM of Iceland forms new progressive society

25 May 2017 Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson, former PM and former leader of the Progressive Party who was implicated in the Panama Papers last year, has announced the founding of a new society called Framfarafélagið (The Progressive Society). He says he's not creating a new poltical party but that the society will probably develop with time.

Disgraced ex PM's strange appetites

25 Jan 2017 Former Prime Minister Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson, MP for the Progressive Party caused an internet sensation in Iceland yesterday for his photograph of raw mince meat on a water cracker which he posted on his Facebook page.

Prime Minister Bjarni Benediktsson.

New Iceland PM says "Maybe a mistake not putting the offshore accounts report forward"

12 Jan 2017 PM Bjarni Benediktsson says that not revealing the report for offshore accounts of Icelanders before the elections may have been a mistake but does not see it as becoming a problem for the new government.

Bjarni Benediktsson, leader of the Independence Party, Benedikt Jóhannesson, leader of Restoration and  Óttarr Proppé, leader of Bright Future.

A new right-wing government for Iceland

10 Jan 2017 A government agreement was reached yesterday between the Independence Party, Restoration and Bright Future.

Volcanoes, skyr and the Panama Papers: a 2016 Iceland retrospective

1 Jan 2017 As the new year begins, Iceland Monitor takes a look back over 2016 and some of its most popular news stories for each month. Which is your favourite?

Ex-PM Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson.

Disgraced former Iceland PM blames state broadcaster

29 Dec 2016 Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson, the former PM of Iceland who was toppled from power following revelations connected to the Panama Papers scandal earlier this year is demanding a formal apology from the director of national broadcasting service, RÚV.




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