Celebrating Summer at the Pool

Enjoying summer to the fullest.

Enjoying summer to the fullest. mbl.is/Ásdís

Vala Hafstað

Thursday was the First Day of Summer in Iceland – a national holiday. The women who attended an aquatic exercise class in Kópavogslaug swimming pool seemed overjoyed that summer had arrived, Morgunblaðið reports.

The aquatic exercise class is especially popular among women, who enjoy the lively program. Men attend, too, but appear more reserved. The class focuses on increasing endurance, strength and flexibility, while having fun is what matters most.

The exercise is gentle enough for most people to be able to participate.

Swimming pools in Iceland reopened last week after being closed for three weeks. The regulars were delighted to return, not only for their physical health, but their psychological health as well. The social aspect of visiting the pool and the hot tubs for a chat is an essential part of the day for many of us.




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Light rain


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7 °C