
Iceland Airwaves 2014

Iceland Airwaves: Day Four

Iceland Airwaves: Day Four

9 Nov 2014 The city vibrated with music last night as the Iceland Airwaves festival enjoyed its fourth night. The streets were packed with people despite the November chill. Amongst the highlights of the evening were Samaris, The Knife,Pink Street Boys, Future Islands and Caribou. The festival comes to a final climax tonight with The War on Drugs and Flaming Lips.

Iceland Airwaves: Day Three

Iceland Airwaves: Day Three

8 Nov 2014 A cold wind blowing throughout the city didn't stop people from queueing up to see the myriad of bands playing at the Iceland Airwaves festival. Among the bands putting on powerful performances were Ibibio Sound Machine, FMBelfast, Oyama and Fufanu. We'll let the pictures do the talking.

Iceland Airwaves: Day Two

Iceland Airwaves: Day Two

7 Nov 2014 Crowds took to the streets of Reykjavík last night in the second installment of the Iceland Airwaves festival. Shops were open until late and music sounded from almost every street corner and festival-goers seemed to enjoy the mild November weather. The acts last night included reggea band Amabadama, rock band Grísalappalísa featuring Icelandic legend Megas, Muck and Börn.


Disco at a hot-dog stand

7 Nov 2014 Klara and Sindri in Boogie Trouble showed us their favourite restaurant in Reykjavík, The Cuckoos' Nest by the harbour and told us they think Airwaves is a bit like Christmas. They're playing an off-venue gig at Reykjavík's most famous hot-dog stand, Bæjarins Bestu and hope they get a hot-dog for their efforts.

Iceland Airwaves: Day 1

Iceland Airwaves: Day 1

6 Nov 2014 Iceland Airwaves went off to a roaring start last night, Wednesday. Among the Icelandic bands performing at the festival were Börn, Kælan mikla, FM Belfast and Mammút. Here is a peak at the vibrant atmosphere of the evening.


A beautiful start to Iceland Airwaves

6 Nov 2014 Yesterday was the first day of the Iceland Airwaves festival and the off-venue programme kicked off to a very original start. For the first time, an off-venue concert took place at the Grund nursing home for the elderly in the early morning where the very young and the very old gathered together to listen to the sweet sounds of Ylja and Júníus Meyvant. Later that morning, five-year olds from Barónsborg playschool sang at Harpa concert hall, much to the delight of the crowd picking up their Airwaves wristbands.

Óhefðbundið upphaf Iceland Airwaves 2014.

To off-venue or not to off-venue?

5 Nov 2014 In recent years, the off-venue concerts during the Iceland Airwaves festival have been growing immensely and now it seems like there's an off venue gig at every local bar, shop, art gallery, restaurant, hot dog stand or even homes for the elderly. In an article in The Reykjavík Grapevine, musician Pétur Ben describes his nagging feeling at the fact that Icelandic artists are not usually paid for off-venue gigs.

Muck's upcoming album is called Your Joyous Future.

Muck sign with Proshetic Records

5 Nov 2014 Icelandic hardcore band MUCK have just been signed by Prosthetic Records who will be releasing Muck's upcoming album, "Your Joyous Future." The album will be released world-wide in February 2015.


Would not recommend Icelandic food

4 Nov 2014 Ragna Kjartansdottir, also known as CELL7, is a Filipino-Icelandic rapper, songwriter and sound engineer. Her album, CELLF received outstanding reviews and is a diverse rap album combining elements of electronic, dance, R&B and dancehall music. Ragna would reccommend lots of restaurants in Reykjavík but doesn't recommend tucking into traditional Icelandic food.


Woolen socks and organisation

4 Nov 2014 Those are the top reccommendations from Icelandic reggea outfit Amabadama, responsible for one of the biggest summer hits in Iceland, Hossahossa. The band consist of ten people: a singing trio, guitar, bass, drums, trompet, percussion and keyboard. Maggi and Hjálmar of Amabadama tell us what not to miss at Iceland Airwaves.

Oyama are releasing their new album in Japan on the Imperial Records label and think that's pretty cool.

Coolboy by Oyama: Exclusive album stream

4 Nov 2014 Am­bi­ent/​dream-noise-rock band Oyama released their de­but LP, Coolboy yesterday on the 12Tónar label in Ice­land and last week in Japan on Imperial Records. In the true spirit of Iceland Airwaves, the album is now available to stream over the festival period. Have a listen here!


Off-venue at an old people's home

3 Nov 2014 Júníus Meyvant is the artist name of Unnar Gísli Sigurmundsson, a singer-songwriter from the Westman Islands. Catch him play what he calls folk pop with a soulful feel at the Iceland Airwaves music festival which begins on Wednesday.


Backstage with The Hives at fourteen

31 Oct 2014 DJ Flugvél og geimskip aka Steinunn "Eldflaug" Harðardóttir plays refreshing electronic space-music. She says that her songs relate to the moon, mystics of the infinite space and vivid dreams. In our Airwaves interview Steinunn tells us a long story about hanging out backstage with her dad at age fourteen sneaking into honey-vodka and messing with The Hives.


Dress warm and stay happy

31 Oct 2014 Rökkurró just released a new album and are pretty calm, yet excited about playing Airwaves this year. We found out about their local reccommendations and their tips and tricks on surviving the festival.


The beer in 10/11 is not beer!

30 Oct 2014 Do not buy the beer in 10/11 because it's not beer. Heed these words of advice from Grísalappalísa, one of the brightest young stars on the Icelandic punk rock scene. (The supermarkets in Iceland sell non-alcoholic beer). In an interview with they talked about their love of Can and Megas and reccommend a visit to the botanical gardens and a new vinyl store.




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