Reporter profile

Skúli Halldórsson

Skúli er aðstoðarfréttastjóri Hann hefur starfað sem blaðamaður á og Morgunblaðinu frá árinu 2014. Hann er með BA-próf í lögfræði frá Háskóla Íslands.

Holyoake says he has gradually become a great fan of Iceland and that he has acquired a number of friends and acquaintances here.

British investor Mark Holyoake withdraws from Iceland Seafood

18 Feb 2019 British investor Mark Holyoake stepped down from the board of Iceland Seafood International earlier this month. He acquired a controlling stake in the company in 2010 and has been involved in its development and acquisition of foreign fisheries companies ever since. He says that the timing is right to withdraw from the board, despite the fact that he will continue to hold a large share in ISI.


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8 °C