Icelanders Gather to Promote Peace: Video

From the peace concert at Hallgrímskirkja church.

From the peace concert at Hallgrímskirkja church. Phot/Árni Sæberg

Vala Hafstað

A peace concert at Hallgrímskirkja church, Reykjavík, held yesterday to protest Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, was very well attended, Morgunblaðið reports.

The church was packed with people. They came to show solidarity with the Ukrainian people, as well as with Russians who are met with cruelty for protesting the invasion, the organizers stated.

Numerous musicians took part in the event, including Ragnar Kjartansson, the choir of Hallgrímskirkja church, KK, Ellen Kristjánsdóttir, Þorsteinn Einarsson, Alexandra Chernyshova, Jói P og Króli, Elín Ey, Sigga and Beta and Eyþór Gunnarsson. Christofer Christofer and Kári Stefánsson addressed the guests.

Residents of Skagaströnd formed the peace sign.

Residents of Skagaströnd formed the peace sign. Photo/Árni Geir Ingvarsson

On Thursday last week, the cultural association Gleðibankinn in the village Skagaströnd, Northwest Iceland, organized an event, symbolically asking the world for peace, where residents gathered during their lunch break to form a large peace sign in the local soccer field. A video of the event was posted on YouTube to the tunes of John Lennon’s “Imagine.” You can watch it below.

Participants were of all ages. A nine-year-old girl remarked, “We want everyone on Earth to live in peace. Right now, some bad guy abroad is making his soldiers attack people in another country, but the people there want peace, just like the rest of us.”




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