Plans for New Church on Grímsey Island

This is what the new church will look like.

This is what the new church will look like. Computer-generated image/Hjörleifur Stefánsson

Vala Hafstað

There are plans to build a new church on Grímsey island, 40 km (25 mi) off the north coast of Iceland, next year and to preferably consecrate it by September 21, Morgunblaðið reports. On that day this year, the old church was destroyed by fire. No valuables could be saved from the church, which burned to ashes in only 20 minutes. Luckily, no one was injured in the fire.

“Fundraising for a new church is going very well,” states Alfreð Garðarsson, head of the church council. “The residents of Grímsey send their best regards to everyone, thanking for the incredible support they have received,” he adds.

Architect Hjörleifur Stefánsson will design the new church. He is a specialist in old buildings. “The new church will be different from the old one, but there will still be references to the old one,” Alfreð states.

The new one will be built of wood, and there is interest in utilizing drift wood to some extent, with a reference to history. The new church will be larger than the old one, including a vestry and restrooms, which the old one lacked. The cost is expected to be between ISK 80 and 100 million.

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