Rainbow painted for Reykjavik Pride

The directors of Reykjavik Pride and Mayor Dagur B. Eggertsson.

The directors of Reykjavik Pride and Mayor Dagur B. Eggertsson. mbl.is/Árni Sæberg

Reykjavik Pride Week began yesterday with a rainbow being painted in the walkway to the City Hall in Reykjavik. The Pride Parade takes place on Saturday and until then a variety of events take place all around the city. 

Mayor Dagur B. Eggertsson painted the first brushstrokes by the City Hall yesterday. For the full programme see the official website HERE. 

The Pride Parade this year, which takes place on Saturday has a new route this year. It goes from Hverfisgata by Ingólfsstræti to Hljómskálagarður park in the city centre.


Snow showers


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