PHOTOS: “Obama welcome to Iceland whenever he likes”

The President and First Lady of the United States and …

The President and First Lady of the United States and the Prime Ministerial couple of Iceland. Photo: AFP

Iceland’s Prime Minister was one of the guests of US President Barack Obama at a multilateral White House summit last Friday.

President Obama met the Prime Ministers of Denmark, Iceland, Norway and Sweden and the President of Finland to discuss US-Nordic cooperation in various areas.

Obama and the Nordic Leaders.

Obama and the Nordic Leaders. Photo: AFP

The leaders discussed issues such as security and defence, the fight against terrorism and extremism, migration and refugee issues, climate change, Arctic issues, trade, global development, and humanitarian aid.

Iceland’s Prime Minister Sigurður Ingi Jóhannsson chaired the discussions on global development and humanitarian aid. He stressed the importance of ensuring the world succeeds in achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals .

From the summit meeting.

From the summit meeting. Photo: AFP

The full joint statement emerging from the summit can be found here . Jóhannsson also took the opportunity of a private conversation with Obama to invite him to visit Iceland at his earliest pleasure.

While the summit was under way, First Lady Michelle Obama took the spouses of the Nordic leaders on a visit to Washington DC’s Renwick Art Gallery .

Michelle Obama showing spouses around the Renwick Gallery

Michelle Obama showing spouses around the Renwick Gallery Photo: AFP

The summit was followed by a star-studded State dinner at which Prime Minister Jóhannsson rose to say a few words.

“The Nordic nations received a wonderful and very respectful welcome [from President Obama],” Jóhannsson told Icelandic media. “The outcome of the summit will undoubtedly be stronger and deeper [US-Nordic] ties than before.”

The US-Nordic line-up.

The US-Nordic line-up. Photo: AFP

Prime Minister Jóhannsson giving a dinner toast speech.

Prime Minister Jóhannsson giving a dinner toast speech. Photo: AFP

A nautical-themed dessert.

A nautical-themed dessert. Photo: AFP


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