Police most trusted by Icelanders

Photo: Eggert

Photo: Eggert

The Icelandic Police has topped a survey asking the public how much they trust various institutions and official bodies.

75.5% of respondents to the MMR opinion poll (link in Icelandic) said they trusted the police to a ‘fair’ or ‘considerable extent’. Next in the ranking came the University of Iceland (64.6%) and Reykjavik University (52.9%).

These top figures are, however, all down from the same time last year, by 3-8 percentage points.

At the other end of the scale is the Icelandic banking system, which 70.6% of respondents said they trusted ‘little’ or ‘very little’. This is followed by the Financial Supervisory Authority (61.1%) and the government (60.3%).

Of these three, only the government sees improved figures from last year. Lack of trust in the government was down at 63% back in 2014.

961 individuals over eighteen years of age where asked their opinion in a survey conducted between 26 October and 4 November.




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